Chapter 481: Hostile (2)

3rd Person POV

Descending from the concealed vent, Perseus and his companions landed soundlessly within the krakens' base, but the mages turned with alarm at the sudden disruption. It seems that he can still feel his unwanted intruding presence.

The base erupted into chaos as knights, clad in full armor of mana charged up on them as well. With lightning speed, Perseus maneuvered through the knights' initial onslaught, evading each strike with unparalleled agility. 

As the knights lunged forward with formidable strikes, Perseus' reflexes were a blur, seamlessly dodging and parrying every attack. With a ferocious grace, he countered, launching swift and decisive strikes. Each blow carried lethal precision, aimed at incapacitating rather than outright harming the enemies.

his calculated attacks found his mark, leaving the knights disoriented and incapacitated, sprawled across the chamber before he could even release his full power.

Amidst the chaos of the skirmish, the guards found themselves easily overpowered, Perseus' agility and powerful strikes were a force too much to overcome. The knights, formidable in his own right, found themselves outmaneuvered and overpowered by the relentless precision of the intruder's calculated assaults.

Goldie, the powerful magic dog, unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed the chamber. Flames erupted and spewed in all directions, painting the space in a fiery inferno. The scorching heat radiated throughout, lapping at the surroundings with searing intensity.

With a mighty howl, Goldie conjured a swirling vortex of flames, a tempest of scorching heat that twisted and spiraled across the chamber. The tornado of fire danced and roared, engulfing everything in its path with an insatiable hunger.

The chamber became a cauldron of swirling flames, the scorching vortex devouring the enemies' attempts to counter the intruder. The intense heat radiated with blistering intensity, casting an ominous glow that illuminated the chaos unfolding within.

Amidst the roaring vortex of scorching flames, Goldie, with blazing determination, dashed around the chamber. His fur shimmered with an incandescent brilliance as he moved with unparalleled agility, zigzagging through the inferno.

With a resounding bark, Goldie lunged at the guards, his form a streak of radiant energy. he tackled the enemies with unparalleled force, each impact sending the knights sprawling amidst the fiery chaos.

Goldie's movements were a blur of scorching energy, darting between enemies and disarming them with calculated precision. his tackles were swift and decisive, incapacitating the guards with formidable strength.

The chamber reverberated with the clash of Goldie's relentless attacks, the guards were left disoriented and incapacitated in the wake of the magical dog's powerful assaults.

With each tackle, Goldie swiftly neutralized the enemies, leaving them sprawled and disarmed amidst the swirling tempest of flames. He then approached Perseus and signaled him, wanting to be praised.

"Good boy." Perseus praised him and petted the dog on the head.

"We'll go handle Drake and Pike and the rest of the guards." Tanner shouted to Perseus from the other side of the room, "You guys go free and release the animals, kill em if the control is already deeply integrated in their heads."


Perseus thought as he headed toward the enclosure.

As the chaos of flames and clashes subsided, Perseus and Goldie darted towards a massive tank nestled within the base. The glass enclosure was holding the krakens and other monstrous creatures that they had seen earlier.

Perseus then delivered a swift and forceful strike to the tank's weakest point. Each blow reverberated through the chamber, cracks spider-webbing across the fortified glass as it succumbed to the relentless assault. With a resounding crash, the glass shattered, unleashing a torrent of water and releasing the imprisoned creatures into the chamber. 

Amidst the chaos, other monstrous denizens of the deep joined the fray, a medley of serpentine creatures and behemoths with jagged fins. The chamber became a chaotic mess of splashing water and thunderous roars as the freed creatures surged forth, emboldened by their newfound freedom.

And with his mana, he teleported all of the creatures to the base of the anti-magic cult, the creatures used magic to create a thick barrier of magic and water to help them breathe in that instant.

In the heart of the desert, the colossal clash unfolded. The krakens, now freed, loomed over the sandy landscape, their immense forms casting shadows on the dunes. Monstrous creatures summoned alongside them, added to the chaotic spectacle as they clashed with Perseus.

Amidst the shifting sands and relentless winds, Perseus exhibited unparalleled agility, evading the colossal strikes of the creatures. The creatures, driven by newfound freedom, surged forward with relentless determination, their roars echoing across the vast desert.

The desert and the cult bore witness to the cult's base plunging into chaos. The unleashed creatures, empowered by both their raw might and newfound magical abilities, embarked on a relentless assault that tore through the cult's structures and defenses.

Amidst the shifting sands and the tumultuous clash, the angels were sent out to handle them, and they unleashed torrents of powerful light magic. Beams of divine light pierced the desert air, aimed at subduing the unleashed creatures and containing their wrath.

The creatures, undeterred by the angelic intervention, responded with a primal rage. Their magical abilities and ferocity clashed against the radiant onslaught of the angels, creating a spectacle that echoed across the desolate landscape.

The desert bore witness to a chaotic showdown, a clash between the unleashed fury of creatures and the celestial guardians sent forth by the cult. The arid expanse became a battleground of cosmic forces, each side locked in a struggle for dominance amidst the unforgiving terrain.

"Damn, they're far away, and yet...I can still sense the power of the yellow rose." Perseus commented as he saw Ruka and Buddy teleported right next to him.

Buddy sniffed his hand and then glared at him, Perseus then petted him in response in an attempt to appease him while God and the sins then appeared and charged at them. Buddy then released a blast of powerful glacial winds at the gods to hold them back.

"Yo guys, what's up?" Perseus greeted, "Why so hostile? Wanna just get some tea?"