Chapter 482: Hostile (3)

Perseus POV

"Why are y'all here? Don't you want to wait for the invasion and come in with your allies instead?"

Cain charged at me from nowhere and attacked me in this supercool mana-powered robot suit. Suddenly, a figure materialized before me, clothed in a murky mist that twisted and contorted like a venomous serpent. I felt its presence and energy.

I felt this sickening sensation that crawled beneath my skin. It wasn't just jealousy, it was a mixture of bitterness, resentment, and an insatiable hunger for what others possessed. Envy gave of this presence that resembled that of a bottomless pit that was consuming all joy, leaving only a void of longing and inadequacy.

Based on the description of Envy, it was a shape-shifter, warping perceptions and distorting truths. It whispered poisonous thoughts, convincing its victims that their worth was measured by what they lacked, breeding dissatisfaction and fostering a never-ending pursuit of what others had.

Its power was in its subtlety, lurking in the depths of one's consciousness, waiting to pounce at moments of vulnerability. It thrived on comparison, thriving when its victims felt small or unworthy.

Yet, despite its intangible nature, envy was undeniably dangerous. It fueled conflicts, shattered relationships, and could drive individuals to drastic and regrettable actions. Its influence could poison minds, corrode hearts, and erode the very fabric of happiness and contentment.

He's definitely Leilah or Lilith's worst match as those 2 can get pretty envious, especially Lilith if Envy can awaken her old grudge. For me, not so much, I'm pretty much already satisfied with my life.

"Where do you think you're going?" It said in a chilling whisper

"Home, where else would I go?"

"You have what I desire. Success, happiness, love...all that I crave but can never possess."

"I worked hard for what I have. There's enough for everyone."

"Not really, your harem has all the goddesses of our world." Ruka pointed out, "So clearly no enough for everyone."


"Enough? Never! I thrive on scarcity, on the hunger for what others possess." it hissed, "If only you were gone, erased from existence, then and only then would I reign supreme. I'd be the one with it all, the sole possessor of every accolade, every joy, every success."

Wow, I'm incredibly flattered.

"I will possess everything, and only then will it be a perfect world." it continued as the other people stereotypically do nothing during his rant since this is a fictional story, "Imagine a world where equality reigns supreme, a world where every soul is leveled, stripped of disparities that fuel desire. In that equilibrium, envy would cease to exist.

"If I could orchestrate a reality where all possess equal measures of success, love, and fortune, envy would wither into oblivion. For what could one desire when everyone holds the same? There would be no more envy, no more coveting, no more strife.

"To achieve this, I'll sow discord, manipulate circumstances, and level the playing field until every soul stands on the same pedestal of contentment. When there's no gap between what one has and what another desires, envy shall fade into irrelevance."

"You talk too much." I replied as I gathered mana.

I learned a new spell recently, and it's going to help me a lot in isolating enemies. Like how a god can create their own realm or pocket dimension, I can too. As Cain and Envy charged at me. my spell was ready since I gathered the spell for a really long time.

With each gesture, the air around me hummed with energy, and a rift in the fabric of reality began to take shape before me. The very essence of the desert seemed to bend, creating a shimmering doorway, a gate to an alternate pocket dimension.

As the gate materialized, the swirling energies of the portal flickered with an otherworldly light, beckoning with the promise of escape.

"Heaven's gate."

With them already too close, I opened the door, the force of the spell became a powerful gravitational pull, a vacuum that drew in everything within its reach. In an instant, Cain and Envy were caught in the irresistible force of the 'Heaven's Gate.' They were engulfed by the portal, vanishing from the desert landscape and transported to the alternate pocket dimension, a realm I created that was beyond the boundaries of the tangible world.

"Was...was that Eden in there?" God exclaimed

The reality within was far from the tranquil paradise its name suggested. The door or gate revealed the tree and a serene landscape, but inside...The air was thick with sulfurous fumes, and the ground was scorching hot. Jagged peaks of obsidian rose on the horizon, casting eerie shadows across the desolate terrain. 

Amidst the jagged obsidian peaks, grotesque flora sprouted, there was a garden of thorns and twisted vines that writhed with a life of their own. Their thorns oozed a sickly venom that dripped onto the scorched earth below, sizzling upon contact and emitting venomous vapors that added to the already nightmarish atmosphere.

The fiery rivers that meandered through the landscape were not merely streams of molten lava; they were serpentine entities, alive with an insatiable hunger, slithering and coiling around each other like malevolent serpents.

Should add more stuff later, but for now, it's more than good enough to make Cain and Envy suffer before I finish them off...I finally get to eliminate Cain.

"Sure, it's a world created by my imagination, a world where all of my illusions are reality, they'll be stuck there for a very long time, unless I die or release them willingly, they'll be there forever."


"I'll be going now, I hope that you have already said your goodbyes to Cain because I'll be making sure that he's not leaving there alive."

As the rest lunged at me, Buddy teleported us all away.


We're now back at the underwater base where we can see the severely injured pair of orange roses and the tied-up and restrained yellow rose duo. They were waiting for me to use my powers to convince Pike to transfer Drake away.

"C'mon, if we kill you now, Drake will completely forget about ya and a couple of other things, why not spare your partner's memories?"

He just then tried to spit at me in response.

"So we're playing hard to get, huh?