Chapter 491: Chief

3rd Person POV

In an emergency diplomatic rendezvous between humans and demons sides to discuss on topic of the ongoing war, a revelation unfolded within the ongoing discussions, it became increasingly apparent that the village under consideration was mounting a notably robust defense, far exceeding the initial estimations held by both parties. The diplomats and strategists initially had a lot of confidence in their respective strategies, but now found themselves confronted with the morale shift.

In the midst of the brewing conflict, grumbling murmurs echoed among the human and demon nobles. Frustration hung thick in the air as they questioned the absence of their most formidable figures, the heroes on the human side and the demon lord on the demon side.

Amidst the escalating tensions, disgruntled voices rose among the human nobles, questioning the conspicuous absence of the demon lord from the ongoing conflict. Murmurs of impatience and frustration reverberated through their ranks as they pondered why the formidable demon lord and his generals had yet to make a decisive entrance into the battlefield.

Simultaneously, on the demon side, discontent brewed among the noble ranks. They, too, questioned the delay in the human heroes joining the fray. The absence of these legendary figures, often hailed as symbols of strength and prowess, fueled skepticism and impatience among the demons.

The humans and demons found themselves in a perplexing stalemate, each side wondering why their counterparts' most formidable forces had not yet entered the battle. The air crackled with anticipation and frustration as the absence of the demon lord on one side and the heroes on the other became a central point of contention, adding an additional layer of complexity to the already charged atmosphere of the conflict.

In the charged atmosphere of the conflict, demands rang out from both human and demon factions. The human nobles insisted that the demon lord should enter the battlefield, emphasizing that the ongoing skirmishes were futile without the intervention of the demons' most powerful figure. Their frustration mounted as they argued that relying solely on lesser forces would not secure victory.

Conversely, among the demon ranks, demands echoed for the human heroes to take center stage in the ongoing struggle. The demons contended that the absence of the renowned human champions left the conflict teetering on the brink of stagnation. They asserted that without the heroes joining the fray, the human forces were destined to fall short.

The impasse intensified as both sides stood firm in their demands for the other to unleash their mightiest forces. The notion of sending mere cannon fodder into battle became increasingly untenable for both humans and demons, each side recognizing the need for their most formidable figures to tip the scales decisively in their favor. The battlefield, caught in the crossfire of demands and frustrations, awaited the moment when the heralded heroes and the dreaded demon lord would finally make their presence felt.

The tension-laden atmosphere was abruptly shattered as a demon, with a fiery aura, burst into the room, announcing a pivotal revelation.

"The Demon Lord has already entered the war! He led the charge and is among the vanguard of the first wave!" the breathless and wide-eyed demon shouted over the room.

A collective gasp rippled through the room as the nobles, both surprised and alarmed, exchanged glances. The news of the Demon Lord's direct involvement sent shockwaves through their ranks. Whispers of disbelief and awe filled the air as the realization dawned that the most formidable force on the demon side had taken the field.

"Well, send in the heroes!" a demon noble demanded, "Our lord is going in, you should too, or else we'll back off!"


The chief braced himself against the relentless waves of demons, their menacing forms converging upon him like a tide. His strikes were swift, each thrust of the spear cutting through demonic ranks.

The battlefield echoed with clashes and bursts of energy as the chief, armed and shielded, held his ground against the relentless onslaught. The demons surged, but the chief's resolute defense, fueled by magical might, thwarted their advances. 

With his spear in hand, he moved with uncanny speed, effortlessly cutting down demons one by one. His strikes were precise, each swing finding its mark with lethal accuracy. Jumping and darting through the battlefield like a maniac, the chief seemed to be everywhere at once.

His movements were a blur that left the demons bewildered and unable to catch him. With each leap and spin, he evaded their attempts to surround him, always staying one step ahead.

The demons, frustrated and unable to predict the chief's erratic movements, found themselves outmaneuvered at every turn. His relentless assault continued unabated, a display of agility and skill that left the demonic horde reeling. The chief's fight was a spectacle of controlled madness, a testament to his unmatched prowess on the battlefield.

As the chief danced through the demonic ranks, his spear cleaved through their bodies with ruthless efficiency. Demons fell in his wake, and the air crackled with the sounds of their demise. He moved from one adversary to the next, leaving a trail of defeated foes.

With every spin and thrust, the chief piled up demons like a relentless force of nature. The once-orderly formation of the demonic horde descended into disarray, their attempts to corner him met with frustration. He was a tempest of destruction, unyielding and untamed.

The chief's prowess became a spectacle of sheer dominance. He exploited the chaos, exploiting every opening in the demon's defenses. With each successful strike, more demons fell, their numbers diminishing under the onslaught of the chief's relentless assault.

The demons, once confident in their overwhelming numbers, now found themselves facing a lone warrior who had become a living whirlwind of destruction. The chief's relentless rampage had turned the tide of battle, leaving a mountain of vanquished demons in his wake.

A blast of powerful dark energy then hit him and blew him back, but he stabbed his spear onto the ground and managed to stop himself from flying further.

"You really are dangerous." Lachlan commented as his form started to become bigger, "I'll give you the honor of being my first kill as the demon lord."