Chapter 492: Chief (2)

|I've learned the word dichotomy, tried to put the word in the chapter somehow, but couldn't, my brain is too smooth for this, sounds too cool to not be used.|

Perseus POV

I'm still somehow surprised that the phone worked in here, Dawn really did a great job with these altered and modified phones, and I can still get service. I picked up the call and Leilah told me that the chief was surrounded and she couldn't get to him since she had to handle Alban and all the other stuff.

Since no one is available, I have to go since the chief can't go against the demon lord and win.

I then rushed out of heaven's gate, I can use Lloyd as my hostage for now, half-demon or not, he's still a human representative, if he dies along with the others, the humans will have to pull out.


3rd Person POV

The once-humanoid figure of Lachlan underwent a grotesque transformation. From the shadows emerged a colossal, terrifying black flame-breathing dragon, its form twisted and monstrous. The air crackled with malevolence as the demon lord's draconic visage loomed over the battlefield, wings unfurled like night itself.

The ground trembled beneath the weight of the dragon's presence as its eyes glowed with an unholy fire. Its scales, as black as the abyss, absorbed and radiated darkness, and the air around it seemed to wither with each breath. With a deafening roar that echoed through the battlefield, the dragon unleashed torrents of black flames, turning the once tumultuous scene into an inferno.

Once the transformation was complete, the demon lord, now a colossal black flame-breathing dragon, dominated the battlefield. The sheer terror of its presence sent shockwaves through both allies and enemies alike.

The chief, though formidable, now faced a monstrous adversary of unparalleled ferocity. The ground quivered beneath the dragon's immense weight as it unleashed its fiery wrath, casting an ominous shadow over the once-battleground now consumed by the black flames of the demonic dragon.

The transformation was complete, and the demon lord, now a colossal black flame-breathing dragon, dominated the battlefield. The sheer terror of its presence sent shockwaves through both allies and enemies alike.

The chief, though formidable, now faced a monstrous adversary of unparalleled ferocity. The ground quivered beneath the dragon's immense weight as it unleashed its fiery wrath, casting an ominous shadow over the once-battleground now consumed by the black flames of the demonic dragon.

The creature's scales absorbed the force of each strike, rendering the chief's efforts ineffective. The air crackled with tension as the chief, momentarily taken aback, recalibrated his strategy in the face of this seemingly invincible adversary.

Realizing the futility of striking the dragon's impenetrable scales, the chief shifted his focus to a vulnerable point, the underbelly. With swift agility, he maneuvered beneath the colossal creature, spear poised for a decisive strike. As he thrust upwards, the spear left a large, deep gash on the dragon's underbelly.

However, the victory was short-lived. The wound, inflicted upon the demon dragon's vulnerable spot, healed at an alarming rate, leaving behind only a scratch mark as evidence of the chief's efforts. The regenerative powers of the demonic creature negated the damage almost as quickly as it had been dealt.

Undeterred, the chief leaped back, evaluating his next move. Despite his immense strength, the dragon's transformation came at a cost, it sacrificed speed for sheer might. Recognizing this vulnerability, the chief adapted his strategy.

The dragon's attempts to counter the chief's relentless assaults proved futile. Every time it sought to retaliate, the chief darted away with effortless speed, leaving the massive creature swinging in the air. The battlefield became a whirlwind of motion as the chief, like a phantom, weaved through the dragon's attacks, landing occasional strikes on its seemingly invulnerable form.

However, the chief's relentless agility, while proving effective in dodging the dragon's onslaught, took its toll. The repeated evasions and strikes, though skillful, left the chief visibly fatigued. Despite his efforts, the dragon's regenerative capabilities nullified any damage dealt, rendering the chief's relentless assault a test of endurance.

"Give up, it'll then be painless for you, I'm only after the brat." Lachlan declared in a boom

"As if you'd spare me." Aminu scoffs and used magic to amplify his voice

"I'm giving you a chance Aminu, it's either you end up as the legendary last chief, or you can hand over the chief position to a person who will lead a village with no home."

"No home, hah!"

"You know it, and I know it, the tree and your village will be destroyed by the end of this."

"You want to know why we call him the next Paradis?" Aminu asked as he then charged up a lot of mana onto his spear, "Like the first chief, who found us this new home, we expect him to do the same.

"Much like his predecessor, he will be the guiding force when the inevitable day arrives, and our current haven succumbs to the threat of destruction. We knew that it would crumble one day, it was only a matter of time considering the ongoing war, the title is an acknowledgment of the vital role he will play, steering us toward a new home and spearheading the reconstruction effort, just as the first chief did in the past."

With unparalleled agility, the chief ascended the massive form of the demonic dragon, each leap bringing him closer to the creature's towering head. Lachlan, momentarily perplexed by the sudden change in tactics, tried to intercept the chief, but its slowed reflexes proved to be a hindrance.

The spear, charged with the entirety of his mana, pierced the dragon's eye with a surge of crackling energy. It used every bit of his mana, his very life force, and surged through the weapon, creating a blinding burst of radiant energy that illuminated the battlefield in an ethereal glow. The air crackled with the intensity of this colossal release.

The radiant energy, now unleashed in its entirety, sizzled and danced at the eye of the demonic dragon. The once-invulnerable adversary writhed in unprecedented pain, scales shimmering with residual mana as the chief's sacrifice played out in this magnificent display of magical might as he continued to dig the spear deeper into the spot.