Chapter 493: Chief (3)

3rd Person POV

With the charged spear lodged in the demonic dragon's eye, the chief, undeterred, sought to exploit the opening further. He gripped the weapon with renewed determination, attempting to drive it deeper, aiming for the creature's brain. As he exerted pressure, a violent surge of blood spurted forth from the wound, drenching the chief in a cascade of otherworldly fluid.

Yet, this was no ordinary blood. The moment it touched the chief, an ominous sizzle erupted. The corrosive, poisonous properties of the dragon's blood were unleashed, their potency strong enough to dissolve the chief's mana-infused armor and the protective layers beneath.

The air hissed with the acidic touch, and the once-glowing armor disintegrated under the influence of the dragon's blood.

Undaunted by the burning pain that was now starting to melt his skin, the chief clung to the spear, intent on driving it deeper into the wounded eye. The battlefield echoed with the chief's gritted determination and the dragon's agonized roars.

In the face of this perilous moment, the chief's resolve remained unbroken, even as the corrosive blood threatened to erode his defenses and put his very survival at stake.

Having depleted every ounce of his mana in the monumental strike, the chief, drained and exhausted, recognized the need for a strategic retreat. As the demonic dragon writhed in pain, he leaped away, distancing himself from the creature's immediate reach.

Seizing this moment of vulnerability, the demon lord, now in its wounded dragon form, saw an opportunity for retaliation. Channeling dark energies, it charged up a powerful blast within its maw, an ominous release of devastating magic.

However, the chief, fatigued and unable to summon the strength for another evasive maneuver, found himself in a precarious situation. As the demonic dragon's glowing maw aimed directly at him, the chief, too tired to dodge, braced for the impact of the impending blast.

With a deafening roar, the demonic dragon unleashed the charged blast from its gaping maw. A torrent of dark energy surged toward the exhausted chief, its ominous glow casting an eerie shadow over the battlefield. The air crackled as the devastating magic hurtled towards its target.

The chief, unable to summon the strength to evade, faced the impending onslaught head-on. The blast collided with him, sending shockwaves through the air. The battlefield trembled as the dark energy enveloped the chief, its sinister tendrils wrapping around him in a malevolent dance.

For a fleeting moment, the chief's silhouette was obscured within the swirling darkness. The impact echoed through the battlefield, leaving an ominous silence in its wake.

As the smoke and dark energy dispersed, revealing the aftermath of the devastating blast, the chief emerged, battered and bruised. He stood on the brink of consciousness, his form swaying unsteadily like a reed caught in a tempest. The air was heavy with tension, and the once-mighty warrior now appeared fragile, dancing on the edge of life and death.

As he swayed on unsteady legs, the chief's eyes, glazed with exhaustion, scanned the battlefield. His indomitable spirit, however, refused to be extinguished. Despite the severe injuries that threatened to pull him into the abyss, the chief remained standing, a living embodiment of resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Going past his limits, the chief was summoning the last reserves of his strength, the chief gritted his teeth against the pain and retrieved another spear. With a determined focus, he channeled the remnants of his mana into the weapon, surrounding it with an intense windstorm and gale. The air crackled with energy as the chief, despite his battered state, prepared for a final, desperate assault.

With a primal yell, he hurled the charged spear towards the demonic dragon. The windstorm, swirling around the projectile, transformed it into a formidable force of nature. The gale storm roared towards the demon lord and the throw was so powerful that it pierced the air and had no resistance as it flew there without any interference.

However, Lachlan, sensing the impending threat, reacted swiftly. With a thunderous motion, he raised his formidable claw, intercepting the charged spear. The clash between the gale-encased weapon and the demonic dragon's scales created a colliding boom that destroyed the surroundings.

Yet, against the odds, the spear managed to penetrate the dragon's claw scales for the first time as there was the visible spear stabbing into the dragon's claw. Though Lachlan healed really quickly as he took the spear out.

As his claw went down to finish the chief, fate had other plans. Just as the demonic dragon initiated his decisive blow, a massive, serpentine creature propelled by an unknown force, slammed into the demonic dragon, interrupting its attack and sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

The collision disrupted the dragon's momentum, and the chief, momentarily spared from the impending threat, watched as the demonic dragon was pushed back. The force of the impact carried the demon lord over the battlefield's edge and with a resounding crash, he fell on his back onto the sea.

The chief, battered and on the brink of collapse, turned to gaze at Perseus, who finally arrived at the scene of the battle.

*A moment earlier*

Perseus POV

Shit, shit, shit, Envy really is too powerful for me, I'm no match for a god yet. I was running through hell and luring Envy to do a lunge attack of sorts. I can see outside Heaven's gate and positioned a portal directed right at Lachlan. I slowed him down with all sorts of things, but with his going at me with full strength, all I could do was dodge.

When he did lunge at me though, I activated the exit portal. With a final burst of speed, I reached the portal. Time seemed to slow as I narrowly evaded the serpent's deadly bite, the rush of air from its jaws grazing the back of my neck. The portal enveloped me, and the world blurred.

The force of his lunge propelled him and shot him right onto the demon lord. The tough thing was that Lachlan somehow survive that fucking attack, he really is like a fucking tank.

"You alright, chief?"