Chapter 494: Chief (4)

Perseus POV

Since Envy hit Lachlan really hard, it should take a while for them to get up, so I helped the chief recover in the meanwhile. I then helped sat him down and tried to heal him, the magic of the demon lord really is something else as it slowed my healing magic down.

"Even if I'm healed, I got a week left at best." The chief said


"I used my own life force to try and kill him when I stabbed his eye so that you wouldn't have to take him when he teams up with the heroes, but I failed. I used my life force earlier as well, I used up so much only to deal so less."

"Why didn't you r-"

"That attack earlier also took away the rest, if I live, it'll be really painful for me, my stars are no longer showing up, and I can feel my blood already poisoned to the point where it's too fatal to stop, let me die here."

"...Alright, if that's what you want."

"Don't look sad, the only regrets I have...well, it's that I wouldn't be able to see my daughter married nor will I be able to see you succeed me."


"I'll be realistic here, Perseus." he then took in a deep breath, "With the way it's going, no matter how victorious we are, the tree will fall and all of our homes will be destroyed. It's on you now, move our people to somewhere safe, or rebuild our village here since we got a decent location after all."

"I'll do as you ask."

"I also got a confession and a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"I've talked with Lloyd in secret." he revealed with a weak smile, "Don't kill the boy, when we win, he'll be a key to connecting us with the human side, even if what he did is wrong, we'll have to think of the future, and I know for a fact that he'll be useful."

"I'll do that."

"As for my question...I heard from him that the heroes are theorizing that you are a reincarnated soul who was brought here through the hero summoning ritual."

"I see..."

"Is it true?"

"...Yes, I was brought over here, though it was by the black rose, so technically Leilah brought me here, not the ritual."

"...Your mysterious powers...why you're powerful and knowledgable from a young age...I understand now."


"Are you on our side...or will you take the side of those who came from your former home?"

"This village was my one and only home chief."

"Good, that's all I needed to know. I believe in you. Lead them well. If you have any questions, ask my aides and your grandfather, I left them my will."

"You've done good, chief."

"Of're welcome...I was only doing my job...make me proud, son..." he finally said with a whisper in the end.

I couldn't help but reflect on the countless battles we had faced side by side, the mentorship that had shaped me into the person I had become. In that quiet moment, I acknowledged the impact the chief had on my journey. I carried his memories forward, a silent promise to honor his legacy.

"Thank you." I said and rose to my feet, silently acknowledging the chief's sacrifice, the fallen warrior who had given everything for the sake of others, "I'll be sure not to let you down."


3rd Person POV

The demonic dragon, having risen once more despite the previous struggles, loomed over the battlefield with renewed malevolence. However, before it could unleash its wrath anew, the sky crackled with energy, heralding the arrival of a powerful force.

A brilliant lightning strike, charged with unparalleled intensity, descended from the heavens and struck the demon lord with unrelenting force. Lachlan wasn't necessarily hurt by that attack, but the strike did throw his body off a bit, surprising him as the electrical surge coursed through its formidable form, temporarily incapacitating it.

Amidst the lingering echoes of the lightning strike, the figure of Perseus in his demon form emerged from the shadows. His body was enveloped in black-colored lightning, an aura of raw power that crackled and surged with dark energy. 

Without hesitation, Perseus flew and launched a swift and precise strike, his fist connecting with the demon lord's form. The impact resonated with a resounding boom, sending shockwaves through the air. 

In a display of sheer might, Perseus beat down the demonic dragon, his black-colored lightning-enhanced strikes leaving an indelible mark on the once-invulnerable adversary. Perseus was too fast for him to counter so he transformed into this semi-demon dragon form.

His immense size diminished to a more agile 9-foot stature. The shift in form granted a newfound speed, to counter against Perseus's incredible speed.

Perseus was undeterred by the demon lord's altered state and met the challenge with only more offense. With each strike, his movements became a relentless barrage that left no room for the demon lord to counter.

Lachlan was surprised by Perseus' new tactic and fighting style as he totally ignored the feints and distractions the demon lord threw, focusing solely on the offensive onslaught.

The demon lord, taken aback by Perseus's unyielding approach, attempted to match the swift and unpredictable movements. Despite his newfound speed, the semi-dragon form still struggled to keep pace with the relentless barrage unleashed by Perseus.

Each punch and kick landed with precision, leaving the demon lord staggering under the relentless assault. Lachlan, seizing an opening in the relentless assault, managed to land a powerful punch, pushing Perseus back with force.

The surprise and a flicker of fear danced in the demon lord's eyes, momentarily savoring the taste of success. However, what followed shattered any sense of triumph. Perseus only came back and spit a tooth out in his direction, he deflected the bloodied tooth away, and it hit and destroyed a nearby boulder.

"I've held back long enough," Perseus said as he then healed his tooth back and once again, charged at the demon lord.