Chapter 500: Silence (5)

|500 chapters, yes, I am lowkey dying inside, this is a lot of effort.|

Perseus POV

As I was preparing to travel to that time dimension thing, I had Vince in charge of updating me with important or emergency events. He can apparently see everything Goldie sees using their occasional shared-vision ability or something.

Goldie is at best a 9-star level fighter, not good enough to fight against the generals or something, but should be able to lead my family to safety if it comes down to it.

"Just for a week?" Vince asked, "You do realize that anything can happen during that time, right?"

"We've been through worse."

"Worse...not really, we just fought against some giant guy...well, I fought him and died, but either way, now there is an army of em, if they march in, we're dead."

"Luckily they're spending time gathering all their forces to march in all at once instead of one by one. So we got time, besides, I'm planning on visiting the other Perseus."

"Alright, if you can, bring me a talking weapon."

"Yeah, not happening, Eislyn is the only one in their world who's like that."

"Can any of your weapons do that?"

"Of course not...I already checked. Rosa, are you sure that you don't wanna come?"

"No, there are things that I like to do here." she replied

"Alright, I'll be back."

I had Lilith stay behind as well since she was the best last line of defense we have, she also insisted to stay, so I didn't bring her along this time.


As I arrived in the time dimension thing, there was something peculiar that caught my eye, even Dawn was confused at the sight. I asked Buddy to slap me awake, but it seemed that he didn't want to slap me as it was against his internal code or whatever.

To my astonishment, it was another version of myself, unmistakably feminine yet undeniably a reflection of who I was. Her eyes met mine with a sense of recognition and curiosity, mirroring the emotions swirling within me.

It was Persia. Surrounded by the male equivalent of the women I have around me, she even had this red fox with her.

Awestruck, I rubbed my eyes, half-expecting the vision before me to dissipate like a dream. Yet, the duality persisted. The female version of myself seemed just as real and tangible as the surreal surroundings we found ourselves in.

"What... who are you?" I stuttered, struggling to find words to articulate the profound strangeness of the encounter.

"Ah, I knew that you'd look familiar." A voice blurted out of nowhere, "Unfortunately you 2 dropped by at different times."

I then turned to see Perseus inspecting the both of us.

"Well, I was here for a different matter but it seems that you both recognized each other." Perseus said and then introduced us, "But just in case, this is Perseus Ellis Silver. And this is Persia Elizabeth Silver, please get along."

I conflicted right now.


Dawn POV

"Hmmm, well, it's not against any rules." Lady Time said, "Unfortunately, I won't interfere in this giant invasion of both your worlds."

"Yeah, I can't help either." Perseus shrugged, "Well at least not personally, I gotta ki- I mean to meet my daughter's so-called friend."

""You were about to say kill, weren't you?"" 'Ellis' and Persia simultaneously pointed out, "But understandable."

Ellis wanted us to call Persia by her middle name too since he doesn't want to be the only one, but her name conflicts with one of Perseus' wives, so this is where we're at.

Currently, we're all conflicted about seeing the other version of ourselves, since we all had an alternate version of ourselves right then and there, but we didn't even speak with each other once.

"Why are you here?" Perseis asked Perseus

"Well, a lot of things, but you have nothing to worry about." he replied, "So, what are you 2 going to do? You can always team up and help each other."

"How?" Ellis asked, "Our worlds seem to be perfectly aligned, we would have to choose a side to help out first, and potentially sacrifice that one."

"I can always teleport all of you to an empty world where you can fight in, it'll probably be better to team up together and fight both armies at once than go on as is." Perseus shrugged

""Ummm, I think we'd rather just fight as is, it's already too confusing."" Both of them were in sync once again.

These 2 are literal twins.

"Fine...I think that I know a planet of armed frogs, they hate giants, they should be able to help you as long as they can take the corpse for their personal use." Perseus offered

"Hell, no." the two of them rejected, "Why the hell would you bring in those slimy bastards with bulges for eyes?! Our allies would get a heart attack just looking at them, and armed?! We might as well forfeit!"

I still can't get over the fact that they're scared of frogs, 'Ellis' has never told me personally of his experience, but it seems that I might need them to reveal it later.

"What about armed cockroaches the size of humans?" Perseus asked

"Can't we just borrow some of your subordinates or something?" Ellis asked

"Yeah, I rather not have armed animals come to my world and ruin my legacy." Persia agreed

"Perseus Ellis Silver, the man who brought armed cockroaches to fight against an army of giants...the chief will seriously come down from heaven and smack me in the face for leaving behind such a legend."

"Yeah, same for me, doesn't have a ring to it." Persia agreed and they both then stared at each other with this weird gaze.

We were all just silent in the background because their stares are super it romantic? Or just a friendly happy smile since they're both actually happy after what happened to them personally?

"I like you." Persia said, "Seems like you're actually somewhat that I can be friends with."

"Yeah, same, a lot of people around me are weird, to think that I can meet someone normal for once." Ellis nodded

"Alright, if we both make it out alive, I'll give you my number."

"Sure, we'll talk more then."

"Tch." Ruka and 'Ruka' clicked their tongue, "Narcissists."