Chapter 509: Deal (3)

Perseus POV

Seriously? They're questioning me while I'm out here busting my ass? Typical. Always yapping from the sidelines like they've got a clue. Well, let me tell you something, I'm the one leading this damn charge, not sitting back and sipping tea.

My frustration was rising as other voices from the sidelines dared to question my actions. But as they babbled, I didn't waste time with words. Instead, I channeled my fury into action.

As the wires crisscrossed the battlefield, a barrier of flame emerged, enveloping my allies in a shield of protection. Any airborne threats found themselves thwarted, their attacks futile against the blazing inferno that surrounded my comrades. Spells meant to harm them fizzled into nothingness upon contact with the godly flames, their magic nullified by the sheer power of Apollo's bow.

As the air troops charged in, with a flick of my wrist, the wires surged forward, slicing through the sky with the precision of a surgeon's blade. The wires moved with a fluid grace, weaving through the air with deadly fluidity. With each pass, they left a trail of destruction in their path, slicing through wings and armor as if they were made of paper.

Then the smarter ones stopped in their tracks instead of charging past the wires. I then took out Jonathan and merged the sword and wire with myself to channel the godlike magic that is imbued to it better.

With the crackling energy of fire and lightning swirling around me, I charged forward with a singular focus, to obliterate anything and everything in my path. As I surged ahead, I left a trail of destruction in my wake, shattering barricades with the sheer force of my elemental power.

The flames licked hungrily at anything in their vicinity, reducing barricades to smoldering ruins with a mere touch. Those foolish enough to stand in my way were met with the full fury of my charge. Lightning arced from my fingertips, striking down any who dared to challenge my advance.

As I carved my path through the enemy ranks, I spared no thought for mercy or hesitation. Anyone who dared to oppose me was met with swift and merciless destruction. Their futile attempts to halt my advance were nothing more than feeble gestures against the unstoppable force that I had become.

And as I finally reached the back lines, where my enemies awaited, I met their gaze with a steely determination. This was the moment I had been preparing for, the culmination of all my efforts, a fight that would determine my fate.

I reached the backlines, where the heroes and the demon lord awaited, their smug faces contorted with arrogance.

"You think you're heroes? Ha! You're nothing but a pack of spineless cowards hiding behind your titles!" I spat, "And you, demon lord, fancy yourself some kind of ruler? More like a glorified lackey, groveling at the feet of your masters!"

"I grovel before no one." Lachlan replied as he responded by turning into that semi-dragon form.

"You should, cuz your goddess is going to be my wife."

"Well help me send my apologies because her husband will die by my hands,I'll prove to her once and for all that you are not worthy."

One of the heroes charged at me, fists clenched with skin made of pure enchanted metal, a really high-quality gauntlet blessed by Saber...But as the hero's fist connected with my cheek, I didn't flinch. Instead, I unleashed a barrage of blows that sent them reeling, their body crumpling under the force of my counterattack.

"Pathetic," I scoffed, watching with disdain as they collapsed to the ground, defeated and humiliated.

Though he was healed and had someone teleported him to the back to recover.

"Wasn't planned, was it?"

As they all charged at me, a wave of adversaries converging with the intent to overwhelm me, I braced myself for the onslaught. Their combined assault was relentless, a flurry of fists, blades, and spells aimed at bringing me to my knees.

I fought back with all the ferocity I could muster, but I soon realized that I could no longer overpower them as I had earlier. The heroes and the demon lord fought with renewed vigor, their determination fueling their attacks as they pressed forward with the unwavering resolve to bury me 6 feet under.

I dodged and parried their strikes, each blow landing with bone-jarring force. But for every attack I deflected, another seemed to find its mark, wearing away at my defenses with relentless persistence.

Despite my best efforts, I found myself being pushed back and forced onto the defensive as the onslaught grew more intense. The heroes and the demon lord fought with a coordinated precision that left little room for error.

I knew I needed to turn the tide of battle in my favor. With a surge of power, I summoned wires of crackling fire to entangle them all. The fiery strands snaked through the air with lethal precision, weaving a web of searing heat around my adversaries. They found themselves ensnared in a trap of my own making, their movements restricted by the fiery bonds that coiled around them like serpents.

I unleashed a surge of electrical energy through the wires, transforming them into conduits of pure power. The heroes and the demon lord convulsed as the electricity surged through their bodies, arcs of lightning dancing across their skin.

Their cries of pain echoed through the battlefield as the electrical currents surged through their bodies, leaving them shortly paralyzed and vulnerable, an opening. The crackling energy seared through their flesh, leaving behind charred scars.

With a surge of adrenaline, I charged towards Lachlan, the strongest individual among them, determined to deliver a final blow of sorts. As I closed the distance between us, I unleashed my most devastating attack, a culmination of all my power focused into a single strike.

With a primal roar, I unleashed a torrent of fire and lightning into my fist and into his chest. Lachlan met my onslaught head-on, his own power surging forth to meet mine. But even as he braced himself for the impact, the sheer intensity of my attack overwhelmed his and blew a hole through the chest.