Chapter 511: Divine (2)

3rd Person POV

With a surge of power, he activated his attribute, transforming into his divine form, the attribute that he possesses as the protagonist as he became the embodiment of the god of victory.

Radiant light enveloped him, his form becoming luminous and majestic. His presence on the battlefield exuded an aura of invincibility and with newfound strength coursing through his veins.

Pressure radiated from him, weighing heavily on the battlefield like an invisible force. The enemies, caught in the grip of overwhelming gravity, felt as though the very air had become denser around them. Something that made Lachlan fear him for the very first time.

Their movements grew sluggish, their steps faltering under the weight of the divine presence. Each breath felt like a struggle against an unseen force as if the very atmosphere itself conspired to crush their spirits.

The enemies, once brimming with confidence, now found themselves suffocating under the weight of Perseus' true divine form. Their earlier bravado evaporated in the face of such overwhelming pressure, replaced by a sense of dread and despair.

"Damn it, he's hot." Violet and Ruka commented at the same time

"Hey, that's my husband!" Ruka shouted, "You've got your own!"

"What's wrong if I get one more?" Violet shrugged as she manifested a blade to counter Ruka's whip

"Say that when you're not teaming up on me." Ruka retorted as she dodged a blast of light from Roxa's hand

"You 2 really are sisters." Roxa grumbled

"If anything, he likes Roxa more than you." Ruka shouted

"Damn." Violet cursed


Fear or not, unlike the heroes who froze due to their lack of experience, Lachlan charged in, he was once a general, and this was akin to standing in front of his former lord when he was at his price, it's the same kind of fear and pressure.

With a fierce determination coursing through him, Perseus used the power of roses coursing through him and combined them with the elements of light and dark into a spear of unparalleled power. Crackling lightning and scorching flame danced along its length, casting a glow that illuminated the battlefield.

He fought with the demon lord in a fight of unparalleled speed, they teleported around, and when engaging Lachlan mid-air, Perseus unleashed a flurry of devastating blows, each strike fueled by the spear. Lightning crackled and flames roared as they clashed with the demon lord's dark energies, creating a dazzling spectacle of light and shadow amidst the chaos.

With a thrust, Perseus drove the spear deep into the demon lord's defenses, sending him hurtling towards the ground below. As he crashed to the earth, with a triumphant roar, Perseus hurled the spear down with all his might, unleashing its full power upon impact.

The demon lord narrowly evaded the full force of the spear as it penetrated one of his legs before embedding into the ground. A powerful shockwave radiated outward from the impact point, creating crackling webs of energy that snaked across the earth like fractures in glass.

The force of the impact was immense, sending tremors echoing through the battlefield and causing the very ground to quake beneath their feet. But even as Lachlan struggled to regain his footing after losing one of his legs, the crackling webs of energy continued to spread, encircling them in a tangled web of power. 

The force of the impact was akin to a meteor strike, sending shockwaves reverberating through the battlefield and shaking the very foundations of the earth. The demon lord, overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the attack, could only watch helplessly as the crackling webs of energy ensnared them.

The crackling ground, ignited by the force of the impact, sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, affecting all the fights nearby. As the crackling energy spread like tendrils across the earth, it disrupted the flow of combat, throwing both allies and enemies off balance.

Warriors stumbled and faltered as the ground beneath their feet quaked with each tremor, their footing uncertain amidst the chaos. Those engaged in close combat found themselves momentarily distracted, their focus shifting to the unstable ground beneath them.

The heroes recovered and flew in the air to escape the impact, one charged at Perseus with his daggers, aiming to end Perseus before any more damage could be caused. Perseus flickered right before him and within the next second, the other heroes saw the hero with a lightning bolt penetrating his head and his body falling to the ground as a corpse.

From out of nowhere, Envy lunged at him with deadly intent. But with a swift and decisive attack, he countered, slicing the serpent in two with a single strike. Shock rippled through the battlefield as onlookers beheld the impossible, the mortal had wounded a god.

Envy's form writhed and convulsed, the two halves of the serpent twisting and contorting in agony. But even as the onlookers gasped in disbelief, the god's form began to knit itself back together, the wounds closing as if they had never been there.

Though the moment was fleeting, the message was clear: even the gods were not invincible in the face of his unfathomable power. And Envy's form coiled and writhed once more as Perseus manifested a giant battleaxe, ready to face whatever challenges the gods themselves might throw his way.


Near the tree, as the sun was setting down, Lust arrived at the Paradis tree with Phineas. The tree itself had no defenders, the villagers really abandoned the tree to fight elsewhere. Maybe in hopes of not having any damage to the tree, the symbol of their home.

"The tree is virtually indestructible, many attacks in the past have failed." Phineas said

"Man, you're too uptight, if only you were more lax, I'd sleep with you." Lust then clicked her tongue

"Unlike Perseus, I can resist women like you easily. now back to th-"

"I'm a god, this tree is nothing if I want to destroy it. Destroying the tree would lower their morale."

The Paradis tree, revered by the villagers as a symbol of their home and unity, its resilience and indestructibility served as a constant reminder of the villagers' strength and resilience in the face of adversity, by destroying the tree, Lust aimed to instill fear and despair in the hearts of the villagers, weakening their resolve and paving the way for their own ascent to power.

Even if Cain is gone, her goal was the same after all, she can just take his role as God was a pushover.