Chapter 512: Divine (3)

3rd Person POV

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land, the Paradis tree trembled in the face of Lust's power. With a deafening crack, it splintered and groaned, its ancient branches succumbing to the force of the magic unleashed upon it.

From afar, the villagers watched in horror as their beloved tree, a symbol of their home for generations, toppled to the ground with a resounding thud. A wave of despair washed over them, mingled with a profound sense of loss and grief.

As they gazed upon the fallen tree, memories flooded their minds. The childhoods spent playing beneath its shade, of weddings and celebrations held in its embrace, of moments of solace and reflection found in its presence.

And as tears filled their eyes, they mourned not only the loss of the tree itself, but the irreplaceable bond it represented was their connection to their past, their present, and their future.

"Get off your knees, you pathetic lot!" Perseus shouted, "Crying over a tree like a bunch of weaklings. It's just a damn tree, grow a spine and fight back! Crying over a fallen tree like helpless children. You dare call yourselves warriors? MAGES?! Let the loss of this tree fuel your rage. Let it consume you until there's nothing left but pure fury!"

Near the tree, 2ith a wicked gleam in Lust's eyes, magic enveloped around the fallen Paradis tree, lifting it effortlessly into the air. The massive indestructible trunk was hurled toward the battlefield with devastating force, a weapon of destruction aimed at crushing him beneath its weight.

With a swift cast, Perseus called upon his skill over enchanting magic, a power that allowed him to rewrite the physical properties of objects through space and dimension.

As the tree hurtled toward him, he focused his energy and in a blinding flash of power, the enchanting magic collided with Lust's magic, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. The tree, once indestructible, began to splinter and crack, its form dissolving into a shower of wooden shards.

Lust's eyes widened in disbelief as her attack was thwarted.

As the shockwaves of disbelief rippled through the battlefield at the sight of the once-indestructible tree being reduced to splinters, Envy seized the opportunity to strike again. With a primal roar, he charged forward, his form twisting and contorting with rage as he bore down on Perseus once again.

Surrounded by the god, demon lord, and a host of heroes, Perseus stood firm, his eyes ablaze with determination. With each onslaught, he shifted seamlessly between weapons, wielding a war hammer one moment, a spear the next, and then chains and wires, each attack delivered with precision and ferocity.

Perseus held his ground, his movements fluid and calculated as he countered blow after blow. With a whirlwind of fury, Perseus unleashed a barrage of strikes, each one landing with the force of a thunderbolt. Chains lashed out, entangling his enemies, while wires sliced through the air and his enemies' skin with deadly precision.

With a deafening roar, Perseus swung his giant battleaxe with all his might, cleaving through the air and slicing clean through the demon lord's draconic arm. The limb fell to the ground with a sickening thud, severed from its owner in a spray of blood and scales.

He then turned his attention to Envy once more, his movements were fueled by pure rage. With each strike, he carved through the god's form with devastating precision. Envy, caught off guard by Perseus' newfound power, which is getting stronger by the second, faltered under the onslaught, his form twisting and contorting with each blow.

With a final, decisive strike, Perseus unleashed a burst of lightning magic that overwhelmed the god, sending him reeling back in agony as he once again cut the god in 2. He then clad the axe with the godly essence Dawn gave him a while back that he had left over to split the snake's head as he killed the god permanently.

With a single sweeping motion, Perseus unleashed a torrent of divine energy, engulfing the heroes and the demon lord in a maelstrom of destruction. Lightning crackled and thunder roared as bolts of divine power rained down upon his enemies, leaving them reeling in agony.

The heroes and the demon lord fought valiantly, their weapons flashing in the dim light of the battlefield. But against the god of victory, their efforts were in vain. With each strike, Perseus countered with unmatched speed and precision, his divine form a whirlwind of destruction as he overwhelmed his foes with ease.

The power of the fake roses by the demons tried to intervene, but Perseus just cast a storm of the black and blue rose, the storm of the original overwhelmed the fake and no one could get close.

Some of the fighters and mages who saw this ran and abandoned their teammate. Divine form? God of victory? It was too much.

As the cowards fled into the depths of the forest, hoping to escape, they found themselves faced with an unexpected obstacle. Out of the shadows, bats emerged with deafening screeches, swooping down upon the fleeing figures with relentless ferocity.

Caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, the cowards flailed and stumbled, their panicked cries echoing through the darkened forest. But there was no escape from the relentless swarm of bats, their leathery wings battering the cowards with a flurry of blows.

But the terror didn't end there. As the cowards stumbled deeper into the forest, they were met by an even more chilling sight, a group of scarecrows, each wielding a gleaming scythe with deadly intent. With hollow eyes fixed upon their prey, the scarecrows awaited the cowards' approach, their raspy voices greeting them with a chilling warning.

"Welcome to the forest of the damned," one of the scarecrows rasped, its voice like dry leaves rustling in the wind. "You thought you could escape, but there is no hiding from your sins. The sins...of messing with Perseus Silver."

"AAHHHHHH, HEL-" but their voices were cut off.

Nothing can be heard from the ones who ran into the forest. It was as if they disappeared.