Epilogue: Orion's Nightmare

Perseus POV

I awaken to a gentle nudge on my arm and a soft voice breaking the silence of the night.

"Daddy?" Orion asked

My heart melts as I see my son, his eyes still heavy with sleep but troubled.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong?" I ask, shifting to sit up.

"I had a bad dream," he whispers, his voice barely audible in the darkness.

"Come here, champ," I say, wrapping my arms around him as he climbs into bed next to me.

His small frame snuggles close, seeking comfort from the shadows that haunt his dreams.

"It's okay, buddy. You're safe now," I murmur, brushing his hair gently with my fingers.

I then sort of make some space by pushing the 2 beside me away.

As he begins to relax, his breathing slowing into the rhythm of sleep, I hold him a little tighter, silently promising to always be there whenever he needs me. And in this quiet moment, with the weight of his head resting against my chest.

"You're sweet." Leilah said while smiling and gently brush his hair too, "He's so adorable when he's not a troublemaker."

"Yeah, kinda make all of our effort worth it, huh?"