Epilogue: Wedding (2)

*A few months later*

Perseus POV

Standing here in this stuffy suit, surrounded by all this extravagance, I can't help but feel like a fish out of water. This whole grand wedding of the century thing arranged by Ruka seems a bit much, but there's no stopping that woman.

I'm going to have to publicly have a wedding with Lilith and Maple today, and I don't even know how marrying 2 women at the same time in one wedding works.

Maple became mortal a while back, and with Mark, who took her place, and all the other gods' backing, it wasn't hard to convince everyone of Lilith and Maple being a goddess and why we're doing this wedding for the public.

Despite my best efforts to remain composed, the anxiety gnawed at me relentlessly as I stood at this altar. I never wanted all this attention, this grand spectacle of a wedding. All I ever wished for was a quiet, intimate ceremony away from prying eyes.

But alas, fate and that blue-haired wife of mine had other plans.

As these dramatic trumpets were playing and they both walked down the aisle, Maple in an elegant white dress while Lilith's in black, I could feel their playful energy, their teasing glances directed at me. They know me too well and know how much I despise being the center of attention.

I went through everything so that I don't have to suffer humiliation and defeat and yet somehow these women can do it.


I'll just skip the long boring parts and give you the good bits of my vow.

"I may not always show it, may not always say the words, but know this: I am grateful for your presence in my life. You have brought light into the darkest corners of my soul, warmth into the coldest recesses of my heart."

"That's not Perseus." Vince whispered to my parents which I easily heard, "That's an impostor, we should spike his drink."

"And though the path ahead may be fraught with challenges, I vow to stand by your side, to weather the storms together, to cherish and honor you for all the days of my life." I ignored him, "Together, you've shown me what it means to truly be supported, to be understood in ways I never thought possible.

"With you by my side, I've discovered a sense of wholeness I never knew I was missing. And as we take each step forward, hand in hand, I am filled with hope and gratitude for the boundless possibilities that lie ahead."


"My Perseus...He's grown so much!" Mom Nyra cried as she was holding me for her dear life

"Yeah, next time, let us read it beforehand...I wasn't ready for this." Mom Rylee joined in with her tears, "I thought you'd just go, I vow to be a good husband and that'll be it."

I did, it was a bit longer than that, but Buddy made me reconsider.

"It's alright, I've matured now, I got 3 kids with the 4th on the way, and as everyone wanted, it's going to be a boy."

"I'm so proud of you." mom Nyra commented, "Promise to give us 20 grandkids, okay?"

"20...might be a bit much."

"It's alright, we'll settle for 40." Mom Rylee 'negotiated'.

I don't...what?


*A few months later*

"Luca Silver, huh, what a cute name." Dawn commented as she held on to our new baby boy, "Do any of you want to hold him?"

"Give Perseus the baby first." Ruka suggested, "The guy's eyes are so glued on to him."

"I was going to anyway." Dawn said before handing my my second boy

"Luca...you are too precious to be my son."