What if: Anna

Scenario 1: Perseus is in a relationship with Anna and Leilah.

Long story short: 14 kids.

Scenario 2: Anna joins the harem

Long story short: 13 kids


Perseus POV

I slowly open my eyes, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. As consciousness seeped in, I then turned to face Anna, her warmth radiating against my skin. A contented smile tugs at my lips as I turn to face her, her tousled hair framing her delicate features.

She's nestled close, her arm draped over my chest, her body molded to mine as if she never wants to let go. I feel her soft breath against my neck, her warmth seeping into my bones, and I can't help but be drawn to her even more.

With a playful glint in my eyes, I decided to tease her a bit. I gently brush a strand of hair away from her face, tracing the curve of her cheek with my fingertips.

"Good morning, beautiful," I murmur, my voice low and husky with sleep.

Her eyes flutter open, a sleepy smile gracing her lips.

"Good morning," she murmurs back, her voice still laced with drowsiness.

I lean in closer, my lips barely grazing hers in a tantalizing peck.

"You know," I whispered, "I could get used to waking up like this every day."

A mischievous sparkle dances in her eyes as she meets my gaze, a silent invitation sparking between us. I can feel the heat building between us, the desire igniting like wildfire. Leaning in, I capture her lips in a lingering kiss, savoring the taste of her on my tongue.