Epilogue: Cozy

*A few years later*

Dawn POV

Since Perseus left me in charge of the narration, I'll be in charge of this chapter. Over the past few years, the new kids in our family are 2 daughters and 1 son. From eldest to youngest would be Ivy from Maple, Alyssa from Leilah, and last but not least...our youngest son, Wesley from Maple.

So far, we have 10 and decided to stop it at that...for now. The author can't determine how many kids we can have.

All the kids, other than Rosa, have finally all collectively slept for once and we all get to rest. We thought about going to visit a country or something but in the end...sleep was the medicine as we all collectively decided to just get some rest.

Vince, Goldie, and Buddy decided to stay up and watch a movie, but I joined the rest. Even my in-laws are tired of once, 10 kids are not something to be trifled with. Raising the roses and the gods was much easier as they grew quicker, but this was still a unique and lovely experience.

Most of our kids want to become some important mage figures in the future, in a way, they all took inspiration from Rosa than their father, as she's the only one who's currently active in that kind of scene after becoming a watcher officially.

Lily wants to become a scholar while Orion just wants to be our family's bodyguard and is taking lessons under Lilith regularly.


As I drift into the soft embrace of sleep, I feel a familiar warmth enveloping me from behind. It's no one other than Perseus. His arms wrap around me gently, pulling me closer. I nestle into his embrace, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest against my back.

I can hear his gentle snores and feel his arms around me and his snores in the background, everything feels right. It's as if all the worries and stresses of the day melt away, leaving only coziness and relaxation. I smile to myself, relishing in the simple pleasure of his presence.

in front of me was Leilah, and I wrapped my arms around her as well, this is just paradise to me, with the weather falling colder...we're all cuddling closer and closer every day. I don't mind this warmth...something this cozy is just enjoyable.