Epilogue: End

|There's a lot of skits that I could have actually written, but I'll end it here for now and move on to my other projects, thanks for reading this.|

*Several years later*

Perseus POV

"Dad, we're back!" Asher announced as he got back home with Orion and Ivy.

Their trip lasted seconds for us while it lasted days for them, I had to send them back to repeat the cycle. I teleported back home right after and before I could even sit back down, they were back already.

"Dad...you didn't tell us that our parents are actually gods." Orion exclaimed

"I did?"

"Yeah, but who the hell would believe that? I just thought that you guys were delusional."

"Hey!" Leilah retorted, "Don't include me in that delusional thing, I'm not Leilah."

"The only delusion here is you thinking that you're his favorite." Leilah countered

"Guys, can we not, we're all having a relaxing day here."

"You're quite cute in your younger days." Ivy commented, "Though...you smell different, probably different soap."

"Clearly I did it too much with Leilah because you're more like her than Maple."

"I think you did it more with me and Ruka at the time." Dawn pointed out, "Maple too, so...yeah, I don't know how that happened, she also spent most of her time with me and Maple growing up...I don't see how all that led to her clinginess to you."

"It's him coddling everyone in this house." Maple responded

"He coddles them less than Dawn and Leilah." Ruka pointed out by proving Maple's point and cuddling me


"So Mom Dawn is technically our grandma, right?" Asher asked as he, Orion, and Ivy got into my room to discuss their recent trip

"You really want to complicate this?"

"No...she raised us as her children, so she's still my mom...was she Grandpa Jerah's ex-wife?"

"They never technically legally married."


"You 2 are so weird." Ivy commented as she rolled her eyes

"Speaking of weird, we started the war against the cult by pitching the eastern continent against them...we were the culprit all along." Orion remarked

"Yep, you're now going to live with the guilt like the rest of us."

"Dad...why was your life so chaotic?"

"It's for this...this kind of peace won't last forever, but...we're happy, aren't we?"

"Dad, I love you, but you're the weirdest." Ivy commented

"I know, but being a weird protagonist gets you some viewers."

"No, it reeks more of desperation." Asher commented

"Guys, let's be nice...at least...we didn't turn out as weird as him." Orion said