Epilogue: Carry

Perseus POV 

"Hah, you lost!"

"Damn." Terrence and Mark cursed

They have lost against me in Uno, monopoly, and Super smash bros. Ah, it felt great to see their seething rage as I took everything away from them, not only that, I have Maple snuggling against me and watching me play.

Ivy then came in a little bit later and placed a tray of snacks and drinks before she rushed to me and clung to me...she's a bit more like Leilah than Maple, and everyone agreed with that statement as she was very clingy. 

Usually, it's either me or Rosa who's at the end of her affection.

"Anyway, things are going good for the both of you?"

"Yeah, the people are starting to accept me now, though it's going to be a while before all of this doubt goes away." Mark answered

"For me, it's still a bit hard as many are still against the pro-coexistence thing, but it should take a hundred years or so...might as well relax here." Terrence shrugged

"It's getting late, wanna join us for dinner?"

"Nah, I've been here all day already."


Currently, I'm helping Lily with her math homework. I guided her through the problem, breaking it down step by step. Lily listened attentively, her eyes lighting up as she began to understand.

I watched as understanding dawned on her face, a smile spreading across her lips as the solution became clear.

"That's it!" she exclaimed, excitement bubbling in her voice

"See, not that difficult, is it?"


Lilith POV

I slowly blinked my eyes open, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. The warmth of the bed enveloped me, and as I shifted, I felt a weight beside me. Glancing down, I saw my daughter, Lily, nestled between Perseus and me.

Turning my gaze, I met my husband's eyes. He was already awake, his gaze filled with affection as he looked at me. His smile was like sunshine, warming me from the inside out.

"Good morning," he whispered


Leaning in, he pressed a tender kiss to my lips and as he pulled back, his hand found mine, intertwining our fingers.

"Mom, dad, you're awake already?" Lily asked as she rubbed her eye, "Also, why is mom so sweet all of a sudden?"

"Oh, she's always like that, she just hides it well." Perseus said

I just rolled my eyes.

"C'mon you 2, let's go get breakfast, I can smell it already."

"Can you carry me there?" Lily asked with her arms out

"Sure, hon."

"I still can't get used to this sight." Ruka said from the doorway, "You're so tame."

"Shut up."