He Choose Violence

"Finally!" Gabriel Alistair tasted, smelled, and inhaled the new air of freedom as soon as he stepped out of the arrival gate. 

Honestly, he had been uncomfortable at first with his face revealed to the public without the protection of his mask. Each time someone stared at him, he would lower his face and be suspicious of the person's identity. 

But then, Jackson assured him that the plan was foolproof and it was a common thing for people to stare at one another, especially with such a handsome face like his. There was no way the mafioso could have found out about his escape when it was executed so perfectly and without a hitch. 

Their only concern should be about his fill-in and his ability to emulate him perfectly without drawing attention and suspicion. However, with his second-in-command Luke there to guide him, Gabriel was confident that it would all go well. 

Hence, with time, Gabriel became confident with his face that he took off the cap hiding his appearance and basked in the newfound attention. Jackson was right, the world doesn't know of his real face and there were many people with the name, "Gabriel" out there. So how would they be able to make the connection that he was Alistair when he even changed his surname and the fake Gabriel was covering up for him? 

Everything was perfect! 

"Urm boss…." Jackson came to whisper into his ears and ruining the moment for him. 

Gabriel's eyes snapped open with his brows drawn together in a bit of irritation. 

Jackson must have felt the murderous energy in the air because he shivered involuntarily, yet that didn't stop him from saying to him with a hushed tone,

"Boss, you are drawing quite an attention." 

Gabriel's thoughts halted like a broken record and he released his oppressive aura that let Jackson finally breathe. He then looked around to see the looks people were giving him only to find out that he had his arms spread out all this while expressing his happiness. 

Some of them were giving him mocking looks, probably thinking that he was a greenhorn who just used the plane for the first time. Gabriel was enraged, how dare they?! Do they know who he was?! He is Gabriel Alistair, the CEO of the Alistair Group. He even has private jets that he could have used for this trip had it not been this was a secret move. 


Unfortunately, until his short time here was over, he was no more Gabriel Alistair. 

Jackson saw the fierce look directed at his mockers and began to lead Gabriel away before he did something stupid that would bring unnecessary attention.  This was the first time that Gabriel was living without the protection and respect the Alistair name provided. He would have to get used to this mundane way of life if they were going to last here. 

After locating their luggage, the both of them were on their way out of the airport when there was a sudden commotion. At first, both men dismissed it as none of their business until the noise drew closer and closer to their location and they couldn't ignore it anymore. 

Gabriel turned around with narrowed brows wondering what was going on and nearly bumped into someone. More like the person ran into him. However, they missed each other by mere inches, however, Gabriel's luggage slipped from his hand as a result of their encounter and fell to the ground. 

"Hey!" He screamed after the asshole who merely looked over his shoulder and continued running as if the devil was on his chase. Why was everyone getting on his nerves today when he didn't even choose violence?! 

With an annoyed grunt, Gabriel picked up the luggage and turned to stare at the shadow of the lucky bastard. Had it been in his city, he would have dealt with the bastard already! However, if he were living as Gabriel Alistair, the asshole wouldn't even get within ten feet since he would be surrounded by security. 

At that moment, Gabriel began to wonder if he had made a mistake by choosing to live an ordinary life here. He missed certain privileges as an Alistair. But then, what he didn't know was that indeed the man was being chased by the devil in the form of a crazy woman. 

As soon as he stood upright once more, another person bumped into him before Jackson could step in and save his ass, the impact knocking the both of them to the ground. 

The universe must be fucking with him today, that was the thought in Gabriel's head as soon as he landed on his back with the breath knocked out of his lungs. 

What did he do so wrong today? All he wanted was a chance to escape his life as an Alistair and know what it's like to be normal. How did everything go so wrong? 

Sadly, Gabriel has had enough and this time, he chooses violence! 

Infuriated, he drew his hand back to punch the bastard that pushed him down in the face only for his head to lift and he saw that it was a woman - a very, beautiful woman. Gabriel's hands hung awkwardly in the air.

Holy mother of God, what was going on here? Gabriel Alistair was stunned. He would have thought that she was an angel that fell on him from heaven if she had wings. But then she was no angel and was moaning in pain even though she was the one that knocked into him like a Mac truck. 

She then lifted her eyes to his and Gabriel was struck by her icy blue eyes that were almost a reflection of the cold ocean; he was bewitched. He further took her appearance in, the light freckles scattered across her nose and her wavy blonde hair that formed a curtain around the both of them. 

Was this the love at first sight that his mother always talked about? Gabriel couldn't help but wonder. Nor did he get the chance to ask because the stunning beauty pulled away from him with widened eyes. 


He wanted to say but she didn't even look back after picking something from the ground as she took off. Gabriel was disappointed, but whatever illusion he had about her vanished when he saw his phone lying on the ground. It must have slipped from the pocket of his coat when he fell earlier. 

Gabriel quickly picked the phone up, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. That was a close one. Had the phone got in the wrong hands, his identity would be in jeopardy.  He hadn't even stayed up to a day in this place and he almost landed himself in trouble. 

Sighing inwardly, Gabriel didn't even think much before sliding the phone into his pocket without checking it and letting his hand stay there, feeling more assured that way. 

"Let's go," He said to Jackson, hoping they wouldn't experience more hitches on their way out. This was enough drama for today. And so they left the airport. Even their ride had been arranged beforehand so the moment they came outside, their driver was waiting for them with cardboard that had their name written on it. 

Greeting them, the driver took their things and loaded them in the boot before helping them into the car and drove off. The ride was a silent one Jackson and Gabriel had nothing to say to each other and had a lot on their minds instead. 

Gabriel couldn't help but wonder about the beauty from earlier. He was not one for dating, but there was just something about that woman that drew him. Perhaps, he should consider dating now that he wasn't in the eyes of the mafioso. Even if it were for a short while before he returned to his life as Alistair, it would be a nice experience. 

He made up his mind to have as much fun as he could now that he was free! 

It was night by the time they arrived at the villa. Yes, you heard right. Gabriel had made all necessary accommodations to make his life as comfortable as possible throughout this trip. As soon as he is well rested from the flight, he will make a wishlist of what to do during his stay here. 

It was going to be fantabulous! 

Gabriel was like a child seeing the world for the first time and he wanted to explore as much as he could. So while Jackson was busy checking out the house and the necessary security measures to be taken to keep the boss safe, he was already lying on his bed. 

It was at that moment that he remembered the phone and brought it out, intending to scroll through his pictures only for a shriek to leave his lips instead. 

What is this? 

Blood drained from Gabriel's face as he stared at the phone's lock screen that didn't belong to him. 

Oh no, he was doomed.