A Free For All Fight

She was never letting him go unless she got her money, that was Zoe's resolve as she chased Mr. Jones all around the airport like a crazy woman. She didn't care about her reputation anymore, not when her life savings were on the line. Not that anyone would recognize her anyway - who would believe that the heiress was chasing after a scammer in the airport and making a scene?

So Zoe ran with all of her might, chasing fiercely after Mr. Jones, who became frightened that she was going to catch up with him soon. So he began to throw anything that he could get his hands on at her, even using people as an obstacle in her path. However, it was quite unfortunate that currently Zoe was like a mad dog that refused to give up. 

She had already called the others and they would arrive soon, and surround him from every direction. Zoe had to have patience and keep up with him, her victory was almost near. Hence even when her lungs were burning and she was finding it difficult to breathe, Zoe kept on running. She had to. She had no choice. 

Until a greater obstacle came her way. 

She should have known Mr. Jones would run into that man in his way all just to slow her down. But then, while the stranger avoided Mr. Jones, the same couldn't be said for Zoe, because she knocked into him. Hard. The both of them fell to the ground with Zoe smacking her face into his chest and it hurt like hell. 

What was his body made up of? Iron?

Mummy, daddy, that hurt a lot. She was close to crying. With her face set in a grimace, Zoe lifted her head to look at him and froze. 

Wow, he was very handsome. 

Zoe had met a lot of handsome men in her life and none of them were on par with this one. Not to mention that she was lying on him and his body felt…. Oh my God! She was lying on top of a stranger she didn't know, wasn't that considered sexual harassment?!  Not to mention in front of several witnesses?! She was going to rot in prison!

In a twinkle of an eye, Zoe got off his body quickly, a scream lodged at the back of her throat. What was she going to do? What if the stranger decided to press charges? However, all of those worries vanished when Zoe remembered why she was in this situation in the first place. 

Oh no. 

A chill traveled through Zoe. 

Mr. Jones. 

Her money. 

The pictures of her money came into her mind and Zoe was close to screaming in frustration. How did she get distracted so easily? So without a second thought, Zoe turned to leave only to see her cell phone lying on the ground, it must have slipped off her hand when she fell. So without a second thought, Zoe picked up the phone and took off. 

It was kind of strange but Zoe thought she heard the stranger shout, "Wait..!" behind her, but she didn't stop. It was already heartwrenching that she seemed to have lost Mr. Jones in the crowd, she couldn't waste any other minute; She had to find him. 

So she ran and ran, but no matter how much she searched for Mr. Jones, it seemed the bastard vanished into thin air. If only she knew that Mr. Jones had taken that opportunity to hide in the airport's toilet and refused to come out until he was sure they had left him alone. 

After a while of futile search, Zoe could not take it anymore and screamed out her anger, drawing attention as she startled the people around her. She had him. She nearly had mr. Jones in her hand and by now, her money should have come to her. But what did she do? She let a stranger distract her. A stranger who doesn't even know of her living condition and was probably better off than her. 

She must have lost her mind, right? Having the audacity to crush after a handsome stranger when she wasn't even sure of her next meal. No, she doesn't have the next meal. She had spent most of her money on that taxi hoping that she would recover it after catching Mr. Jones. 

But then, where was Mr. Jones? Where was her money? Her situation sounded surreal to her that Zoe began to laugh hysterically and people avoided her, thinking she had lost it. Where was the security? How could they let a mad woman into the airport? That was the thought they had when they looked at Zoe. 

Unfortunately, just as Zoe dreaded, the other members of the search caught up to her and one should see the way the expectation on their faces fell when they didn't see Mr. Jones beside her. 

The woman from earlier who had called to inform her about Mr. Jones' location, stepped out to ask her. 

"Where is Mr. Jones? You said you had him over the phone. I don't see him anywhere," 

In one word, the woman could be referred to as the team leader since she was the one who brought everyone together to organize the manhunt for me. Jones. 

"I lost him," Zoe said.

There were heated murmurs amongst the group members when they heard her words. 

"But you said you had him! How could you lose him after all of the hard work?!" 

"Yes, I did at first. But I lost him while it took you guys forever to get here. So don't blame me!" Zoe retorted. She hated the looks they were giving her right now when she worked twice as hard as they did. She even ran a marathon in the airport just to get that bastard!

"No!" Another woman from the group stepped out, looking at her with fierce eyes, "Perhaps you let him go on purpose?" 

"What?!" Zoe's expression changed. What the hell was that old hag talking about? 

"I have seen the way Mr. Jones looks at you. Perhaps, this was a ploy by the both of you because the both of you are a couple?!" 

"Are you kidding me?!" Zoe laughed it off. That was the most ridiculous accusation she had ever heard. But when she looked at the faces of other members of the group, she saw they were considering the possibility of that happening, and that greatly enraged her. 

"Hey?!" She screamed at them, "You all must have lost it! Look at me! Do I look like his accomplice?! I came all the way to the airport not caring the way I look at all, just to get my life savings back and you dare to accuse me of being in cahoots with him?!" Zoe shouted at the top of her voice not caring if her scream got in their faces. 

She then turned to the woman who dared to make such a wild accusation, saying," And you, old hag… "

"What?! Old hag?!" The woman gasped in disbelief. How dare that little wrench to talk to her that way?! She was her elder! 

"For you to have noticed that Mr. Jones had a crush on me, you must have been quite interested in him." 

"W-what? I-interested in him?" She stammered, going red in the face with widened eyes. 

"You are even blushing." Zoe snorted, "Tell me, were you planning to cheat on your husband with the scammer, Mr. Jones? " She added with a startled gasp, "My bad, did you guys do it already?" 

Just like that, Zoe turned the tables on her with the accusation of infidelity and now, all the attention was diverted to her. The group members murmured amongst themselves as they began to suspect the woman as she wanted. 

There was one thing Zoe hated in her life and it was bullying. She was not someone that could be bullied by a nobody.  She was Zoe Clark! 

"Hey!" The woman shouted at the top of her voice, glaring at Zoe, "How dare you to accuse me of having an affair with Mr. Jones? I'll teach you a lesson today!" 

The woman slapped her on the face and Zoe's face whipped to the side and everyone gasped from the shock. 

And did Zoe forget to add, there was a second thing she hated - someone hitting her. She was the fallen heiress, Zoe Clark! How dare anyone hit her in the face when they couldn't dare to in the past. 

And just like that, older women or not, violence was activated. 

With a war cry, Zoe tackled the woman to the ground and grabbed her hair tight. While Zoe might have a list of admirable traits, her temper was unrivaled. And sadly for the old hag, it has its exploding point.

Thanks to the dispute between both women, two factions were born instantly - those who supported Zoe and those who were against her. In one word, it became a free for all fight as the members clashed. 

And Mr. Jones safely made his escape in the middle of the chaos.