Swallowing Her Call For Help

What was going on? Zoe was scared out of her mind. One moment she was having the best dream of her life which featured her swimming in a pool of money until a giant appeared. The horrendous-looking creature didn't harm her, rather it opened its mouth which expanded into a buttonless hole, and began to suction all of her money. 

She attempted to save some part of the money but it was useless because the pressure was stronger and she was being pulled in by the great force. Zoe was just about to be swallowed into the hole when she roused from the ridiculous dream, her eyes popping open only to cross with a stranger's. 

A stranger was in her room. 

In her room?! 

Every ounce of sleep vanished from her eyes and the thought that came to Zoe's mind was that he was a rapist. She knew the dangers of staying in a brothel, but it was not like she had a choice. Unfortunately, what she feared so much finally came through and a scream left her mouth. 

Kicking him in the groin was a reflex action and the only way Zoe thought of escaping him unscathed. Cold terror went through her and she ran outside, hoping to call out for help only for someone to grab her and push her into the wall. 

Relief poured into Zoe as she said, "Thank God!" She breathed for having found someone, "Listen, mister, you have to help me -" 

"Got you." He said, releasing a devilish smirk that unsettled her and that was when Zoe took a closer look at him, recognition dawning on her. 

"Oh no," Zoe gasped loudly, her hands coming up to cup her mouth from the shock. It was him. The owner of the cell phone. Although they had met for a brief moment at the airport, he had quite a handsome feature that wasn't difficult to miss. 

There was only one word for Zoe at this point. She was doomed. How did he find her? Zoe was sure that she had not told him her location. What was she going to do now? This can't be happening! She began to panic. 

"From the look in your eyes, I can proudly say that you're guilty as charged," Gabriel chuckled darkly at her situation, already making mental images of how he was going to torture her for everything she put him through. 

Right now, Zoe Clark was nothing but a fly in his hand. She was so insignificant that no one would notice her absence if he tied her down to the bottom of the ocean and let her drown to death. Gabriel could already relish the feeling. In the end, Victory belongs to him, mwahaha! 

She should beg him, Zoe thought but the crazy look in the man's eyes told her that he was past the stage of reasoning. She could tell from the look in his eyes that he would bury her alive. Zoe was sorry, but this was no time for negotiation; she had to escape him again. All she needed was a week and she would return his phone to him. He should exercise a bit of patience. 

So she knocked her head into his with full force, and Gabriel let go of her with strings of curses falling from his lips from the pain. He turned to see her getting away. Again. God, damn that woman. He ran after her and though Zoe had a good head start, Gabriel had longer legs and he was a male and faster. 

Getting close to her, he threw his weight on her, bringing both of them to the ground as he tackled her. Zoe fought against him but she was no match for his strength and Gabriel effortlessly hitched her up to her feet again. 

This time, he grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head. Gabriel gave her no space to find her composure because his body pushed her against the wall, his knee between her thighs. Their breaths were labored and both of them were too angry to realize the ambiguous position they were in. 

"Let me go!" Zoe ordered, glaring at him. 

"So you can escape again?" He sneered at her, "Keep on dreaming!" 

Zoe struggled and struggled, all to no avail. She huffed and puffed, this was not how she planned to spend tonight. However, fate must be on her side because she heard noises at the corner and the next, a couple appeared, no, it was her horny neighbor that stepped into the hallway! 

Her eyes brightened with an idea as she realized that he might be her redeemer right now. Her horny neighbor was the one that can save her. Unfortunately, for Zoe, Gabriel followed her line of sight and discovered what she was up to. 

Oh no, she wouldn't dare! 

Not in his watch! 

So the moment she opened her mouth to scream, Gabriel cupped her lips with his hand, muffling her scream. It took him so long to get this sneaky fox, he would not lose her again. Also, what was Jackson doing in her room for so long? He needed backup. Zoe was as slippery as an eel. 

Her neighbor didn't hear her muffled scream, instead, he was busy kissing his partner and blindly walking down the narrow hallway with her. Zoe knew deep down that it was over for her once he passed her. She had to get his attention by all means. 

Zoe bit down on Gabriel's palm and he flinched in pain, yet he wouldn't move it. So she bit him harder with determination and only when she was at the point of drawing blood, did Gabriel withdraw his hands. Obviously, he had reached his threshold of pain. 


Zoe emerged victorious and was about to call out for help from her horny neighbor, but unfortunately for her, desperate times called for desperate measures. Gabriel knew that he had to stop her by all means, so he swooped down and took her lips in a kiss, swallowing her call for help.