The Shocker Got shocked

Zoe stiffened, standing as still as a rock the moment she felt that man's lips on hers. 

Holy mother of God, what was going on? 

Her eyes were wide open, and she stared back at Gabriel who had his eyes open too. It was obvious that "whatever" happened between them occurred in the span of the moment. And although it was mere minutes, It seemed like it lasted forever. 

What was he doing? Gabriel blinked at Zoe Clark, their lips pressed together. This was one big mistake, he thought, and wanted to part away from her, but remembering the figure at his back, he decided to stay put. It was only for a moment anyway until the intruder with his partner left the both of them. 

It was quite unfortunate that the horny neighbor decided to hesitate at that moment and took his time kissing his partner in the hallway, pushing his partner up against the wall and making Gabriel curse mentally.