No Dating

No dating under his roof?

Well, that was actually understandable since he was her landlord and made the rules. Zoe could compare living here to stay in a dormitory. Moreover, she was too poor to go on dates and all. 

However, to think that she would consider dating him was absurd. Also, why did he have to include her kind, warm-hearted Jackson as well? Now, their relationship is going to be a little awkward. 

"What makes you think that you're date-worthy?! I'm off limits as well!" Was Zoe's attempt to put together her crushed ego. Why did Gabriel have to be so smart and sharp-tongued? It was so annoying. 

"I'm sorry if I sounded brusque but it's merely a precaution since all women always fall for me in the end." He said with confidence that made her scoff with disbelief.