Poison Their Food

Zoe couldn't help but feel that Gabriel was probing with that question. For someone who didn't want to be an open book, he sure was interested in her case. 

"I agree with your rules," Does she have any other choice, "And I don't have anything else to…" It then hit her and Zoe announced to him, "I'm a teacher." 

"Oh," Gabriel was taken aback by the information. Although he knew about her profession when he looked into her background, it skipped his mind until now. It was hard to believe that she was a high school teacher. What exactly does she teach the children? How to pawn a stranger's phone and lie about it? 

Gabriel sighed, he had to stop being judgemental. But then you couldn't blame him, It was just hard for him to trust people and Zoe had not exactly made a good first impression. It would take him time to accept that she wasn't as bad as she made herself to be.