Damsel In Distress

"So why am I here?" Gabriel began the conversation. As much as he would love to tease her by closing the space between them, he decided to let her be this time. Moreover, he was curious about this conversation even though he had an inkling already where this was headed. 

Zoe faced him and her courage vanished away. Her gaze zoomed in on his lips and she gulped nervously. Just minutes ago, she had been sucking on those lips and his yummylicious body had been pressing down on her. God, this was why she loathed complications. She had to focus! 

Sucking in a deep breath, Zoe gathered enough courage and began, "It's about what happened between us?" 

"What about it?" Gabriel was staring at her now with heated intensity and it made her nervous. Why was she so affected by him? No, it was now or never.