
"M-mother?" Zoe stammered. She didn't know why but Gabriel's answer suddenly made her feel stupid for asking the question in the first place. She simply thought it would be his girlfriend, that would be the answer most men would have given to her. 

"The only person I have ever wished to provide for and protect is my mother," Gabriel answered her. 

"Oh." It dawned on her now. He was not kidding about his answer. "Why though?" She asked. 

Gabriel gave her a questioning look and she added immediately, "I mean to say, it's nice to take care of your parents. But then, it's her husband's duty to provide and protect his wife and it's up to you to go start your family that you would provide for and protect -" 

"Her husband is dead."

"I don't know my father. He died when I was young." Gabriel confessed.