He Saved Her Life

"So basically you lied to them that you're from a rich family." Gabriel tried to get the point after her short narration. 

"No, that's not it." Zoe let out a deep sigh, "The thing is I don't know how but the rumors spread out that I'm some rich young miss." 

Gabriel took a scoop of her ice cream while she was still talking. Since they agreed to share, he has licked more ice cream from Zoe's container than Zoe had taken from his because she had been busy talking. If Zoe noticed it, she was not talking. 

"So you let the rumors fester and now it is beginning to bite you in the ass." He said without thinking and lifted his face in the end only to see Zoe glaring at him. 

"What? It's merely the truth," He shrugged, "You should have made it clear from the very beginning."