Gabriel Doesn't Care About Her

"Thank you, Glory and Mr. Raphael as well for the sumptuous meal," She added to Olivia's father who joined them at the end, "I had a good time here." 

And yes, Olivia's father, Raphael was a nice person as far as she knows unless he's pretty good at pretending. However, Zoe could tell fake sympathy and she felt the man was being sincere. Olivia's family was blessed. She dared say it was perfect even. No wonder Olivia turned out to be such a good person. 

"Oh, don't be too modest, dear, it was nothing." Glory patted her on the back saying, "Hopefully, I'll see more of you from now on?" 

"Huh?" Stunned, Zoe turned to look at Olivia, as if waiting for her approval. It was her home and her family, she couldn't make such a vital decision without her consent. 

Olivia laughed, "Once my mom likes you, she claws her way deep inside of you and won't let go."

Okay, Zoe guessed that was a 'yes' then.