That Kind Of Person

"Thank you," Zoe said to the taxi driver, stepping out of the car in a giddy mood. It was weird, but this was the first time she looked forward to going home to see Gabriel. "Home" Yeah, his house was quite homely. 

Hence one could imagine the excitement on her face when she looked out and saw Gabriel standing at the entrance and seemed to be waiting for her. 

"Gabriel!" She hollered, waving at him excitedly with the nylon bag in her hand. 

Drunk on excitement, Zoe wasn't observant enough to notice the fury on his face, or perhaps it might have to do with the fact that his face was a blank mask. However, he strode in her direction until he came face-to-face with her. 

"Hi… " Zoe was about to say to him when she heard instead, 

"Are you fucking out of your mind?!" 

Zoe was so startled by the outburst that she jerked back, frightened. She had not seen that coming. 

She shivered, her throat suddenly became dry. What was going on here?