She Was Gay

Zoe hated gossip. Nor does she have a reason to log into the student's gossip forum where Miss Information might as well be an admin. However, right now, she had a reason to and it wasn't hard to even find out the reason people were staring at her strangely since it was trending. 

She saw it clearly and it was a picture of her and Olivia hugging. Yeah, it was the scene from yesterday in the cafeteria when she and Olivia officially became friends. Someone must have taken a picture of them and was now spreading rumors that she was a lesbian. 

The rumor was utterly ridiculous and it made her blood boil in rage. How did even people find the time to talk about this? It was just two women hugging. What was wrong with women hugging? The others do it all the time, so why was her case different? Who would think of such a devious way to destroy one's reputation? 
