The Abundance Of His Heart

Jackson should have never underestimated Gabriel's ability to woo a woman. They did not just eat out, Gabriel found a high-end restaurant where they had their meal and when they were done, asked Zoe's portion to be packaged for him to take home. 

Zoe's takeaway was very special - and heavy. Gabriel had practically ordered everything that he could find on the menu. It was quite nice to not have to worry about money, you know. Jackson was a bit jealous. 

All Gabriel had to do was microwave the food when they got home, and they hurriedly returned since it wouldn't be long before Zoe returned. Once home, Gabriel, who was not used to domestic work, began to tidy the living room, hiding evidence of them playing all day long. 

"You do know she's our housemate and not a guest, right?" Jackson hinted at the fact he was behaving like one expecting the president of the country in his living room.