Are You Gay

But then, even the delicious food was not enough to distract Zoe from her pent-up anger because she went ahead to narrate the whole tale to Gabriel who was always ready to listen. 

"So the thing is, do you remember that teacher I told you about that hates my ass?"

"The one that always picks on you?" He said, thankful to have recalled their conversation that day. But then, he had a good memory. 

"You wish," Zoe snorted, "She can't bully me! I stand up to her all the time." 

"Fine, fine," Gabriel was in no mood to argue with her. Not that he was going to win anyway. Although he had not grown up with a father, Gabriel knew enough from his experience with his mother never to argue with a woman. They were argumentative and he would never win. 

"Just eat first…." He put a spoon in her hand which she accepted but didn't eat right away as he expected.