You're Late

Olivia was up early before the sun was up to prepare for school. Well, she had a little errand to fulfill before that and that was what had her all excited. She did not have so many friends, at least, not anymore, and she would do everything possible to keep this one. 

"Olivia, come and have breakfast," Her mother announced when she came downstairs. 

She was about to turn down the request only to close her mouth at the end. She knew better than to turn down her mother's request. The woman was quite stubborn about skipping breakfast. 

Her father was already seated down hence she simply went over to him, "Good morning Father." She pecked him on the cheek. 

"Good morning Olivia." He responded curtly, working on his ties with a tight expression until her mother walked over to him after placing the dishes on the table. She took over adjusting the tie for her husband until it was proper while Olivia watched them.