Cleared For A Visit

Zoe raced into the hospital like a mad woman after she had gotten that update from Olivia. She had abruptly gotten off the bus and taken a taxi - as expensive as it was - urging the driver to drive as fast as he could and narrowly escaped being caught by the police until they arrived at their destination. 

Her heart couldn't stop pounding the entire time as thoughts after thoughts filled her head. How did Maggie end up in the hospital? She had met her yesterday and she looked healthy or could it be that the girl had been pretending to be alright while helping out her mother in the store? 

Searing anger coursed through Zoe's veins, it couldn't be that the girl fainted from being stressed out while working for her mother. Olivia had not told her the details of the incident but if that was the mother's fault, she was not letting it go.