Casualty Loss

To be honest, Zoe had no idea why she did it. But she guessed being bored out of her mind was the biggest reason why she ended up dialing Gabriel's number and calling him. The shocking thing was that the phone was answered almost immediately, startling her. Had he been holding his phone or what? It took her by surprise. 

"Hello?" She heard his deep voice answer from the other side of the line.

She reluctantly brought the phone to her ear and didn't say anything as she began to wonder if calling him was a bad idea. But Zoe felt like speaking to someone and he just sprang up in her mind. Olivia has done enough already and to be honest, she wasn't sure her best friend could project the type of protective warmth Gabriel gave off. 

Speaking to Gabriel made her nervous with butterflies fluttering in her stomach and yet she craved to hear his confident and assuring voice. He was strong and she needed to borrow a bit of his strength right now.