I'll Destroy You

A fight broke out in the hospital and Zoe was hurt, Olivia's heart skipped a beat when she heard that news from Mrs. Peterson. She didn't even know why the woman told her that, perhaps because the both of them - she and Zoe - were friends and she needed her to cover up for her class. 

Zoe did not call to tell her about the fight and Olivia did not know how to feel about that. The both of them were friends and didn't keep secrets from each other. Although Olivia was tempted to call instead and ask if she was okay, she knew Zoe was reclusive and didn't want to bother her too much. 

Hence she spent the rest of the day irritated and couldn't wait for school to be over to be able to breathe. She had already informed her students about the unfortunate incident that befell Maggie and they planned to go visit her in the hospital afterward.