He Was Deceiving Alicia

"Aren't you going to say something?" Kelvin bugged Luke who had returned to his office. 

The instant Alicia had left, he came back to check if he was still alive. Kelvin knew Alicia's only ulterior motive in dating him was because of what she could get from him and would not harm him. Unfortunately, the man was paranoid and suffered from trust issues. Who hurt him? He thought in amusement. 

Luke had done a thorough sweep of the office after his now girlfriend Alicia left, suspecting that she might have dropped a listening device to monitor their conversation. In his defense, desperate people take desperate measures to achieve their purpose. 

Hence Kelvin let him do whatever he wanted, having a suspicion that if he stood in his way, Luke might accuse him of being wrapped around the girl's fingers already. In the end, his enthusiastic guard Luke found nothing and Kelvin gave him an "I told you" look and did not let him hear the end of it.