Bonding Over Pizza

The meeting went smoother than Kelvin thought it would. The notes Luke jotted down had been simple and pretty much easy to understand. Alistair Group Electronics was developing a new product and it was the center of the conversation today. He didn't even need Luke's help and had merely called on him to acknowledge the part he had played to see that this went smoothly. 


The product was still in its developmental stages meaning that there were going to be more meetings in the future with the board of directors in attendance. Until then, Kelvin was happy that he did well on this one. 

"You performed well," said Luke who hardly dished out compliments on their way out of their conference hall. Today must be a good day. 

"Really? Is that so?" Kelvin beamed at him, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes and he almost looked like a dog wagging his tail at his master and seeking for attention.