No More Secrets Between Them

Zoe could now understand why her parents always got together after an intense fight. There was no way in hell she could stay mad at Gabriel, not after the intense sex they had. Yes, their angry sex had been kind of therapeutic. 

Right now the both of them lay in bed naked with no sense of shame. What was the use of hiding what he had seen already? Cuddled against Gabriel, he ran his finger down her spine causing a purr to escape her throat. 

"Don't think this is over," She said to him, trying to appear firm but damn it, there was no more strength left in her. Zoe was tired of fighting and would have to come up with a smarter way of getting the truth from him. 

"I know." Gabriel acquiesced, knowing that saying otherwise would only result in a fight. He was now running his fingers through her hair and she moaned at the soothing sensation. 

"Why won't you tell me though? It's not like I have a loose mouth and I can keep a secret," She implored him.