Boyfriend And Girlfriend

"Finally, I'm at your place!" Olivia screamed in her face, "At least your real place." 

"Yes, you're here…." Zoe could not breathe the next minute because her friend was crushing her lungs in a hug. 

"It is definitely nice to see you too." She chuckled nervously, risking the rest of the air left in her lungs. 

Olivia even dared to lift her off her feet and she squealed in both shock and excitement. Was the girl on drugs this morning? How did she possess all this strength? 

"A-hem," Someone coughed at the corner and both women broke apart from each other. 

It was Gabriel. Of course, the man has never been known to have much patience. He was standing in the foyer and Zoe walked over to introduce him. 


"Olivia, this is Gabriel, the one I have been telling you about. He owes this place and he let me stay when I had nowhere else to go. Gabriel, this is Olivia, my best friend, and acquaintance at school."