Fooling Zoe's Mother

"So the both of you are together now? Like together like couples?" It was a question-and-answer session after the cat had been let out of the bag. 

To answer that question, Zoe turned to Gabriel and arched a brow at him. That was for him to answer because she too was confused with the direction of their relationship. 

"Of course," Gabriel answered confidently, dropping his arm around her neck and pressing Zoe to his side, "We are officially a couple now." 

Olivia stared at them before a smile split her expression and she said, "Congratulations to the both of you then. I am so happy for you." She reached out across the table for Zoe's hand and she let her hold it. 

"Thank you." Zoe was more than relieved that she didn't make a huge deal out of it. She thought Olivia would be mad at her for keeping such a huge secret from now. 

"You know what's so cool now," An idea suddenly hit Zoe, "We could go on double dates now."