The Gathering After School

"You seem to be glowing today. What's the secret?" Olivia startled her with the question. 

"W-what?" Zoe's face became an alarming red and she lifted both palms to her face and cupped it. What was happening to her and why was the staff room suddenly hot? 

It has been hours since that fight with Gabriel back at home and the sizzling snu snu of course. Gabriel had offered to drive her to school but a single glare shut him up, that is until she noticed the smirk at the corner of his mouth and realized that he was tempting her on purpose. 

In the end, he dropped her off at the bus stop since they couldn't be seen coming to school together. Zoe was dramatic when she stepped out of the car, looking left and right, confirming not a familiar face had seen her before getting into the bus that had stopped on cue.