He Was Too Nice To Women

It was a hurly-burly of activities as soon as school was over. Her female colleagues were in a hurry, washing their faces and applying makeup in preparation for the gathering. Jessa had already sent the GPS coordinates to everyone and they had to get to the venue. 

"Do you think I have an odor?" Miss Information asked her colleague in the restroom with her, lifting her hand. 

"Eww, I don't know but you definitely have armpit sweat stains." The colleague waved at her face as if wading off a bad smell, turning the other way so she didn't see the view. 

"Damn it! Had I known Jessa would fix the welcome party today, I would have come with extra clothes!" She cried out before her words morphed into one of worry, "Do you think Gabriel would notice it? Should I just go home and change and come back later?" 

"Whatever! I don't know. Do whatever comes to mind. It's not like Gabriel is going to notice you anyway," She snorted.