Jessa Was Embarrassed

"I'm sorry for not informing you on time Zoe, however, the restaurant is usually busy at this time of the day and could not host all of us, but luckily I know the owner and I was able to convince him to let us reserve the restaurant for two hours. I know it's too much money and I should have informed you beforehand." 

Jessa might have looked apologetic to the others but Zoe saw through the act and it took everything in her not to throw a punch at her face and hear her nose break with a satisfying crunch. 

Yes, she knew Jessa reserved the restaurant on purpose to put her through financial distress. And indeed, Zoe was in financial distress because there was no way in hell she could afford all of this. Not to mention that they hadn't even had a meal yet and the thought of the impending bill sent her heart into overdrive. 

"Yes, you should have." Zoe gritted out, letting her anger show. She wasn't supposed to make such important changes without letting her know.