Chapter 1: Fighting over DA

"Yolanda, here!" Smiling broadly, a young lady waved at her best friend who came running towards her with a white overall coat.

"Aggie, I'm so excited you made it" Yolanda threw her hand around her neck and pulled her into a hug.

" So we will have Ice cream, pizza, noodles and lots of chicken!" Agatha said as she took Yolanda's hand and intertwined with hers.

Looking at her sharply before turning back, Yolanda said." So you set a date for us just to go eat so much, you're such a foodie!"

" Yes I'm! And don't pretend as if you don't like it too"

The girls kept laughing loudly and hitting each other slightly as they approached Agatha's car.

Shortly after they arrived at a restaurant and made sure they ordered everything they wanted to eat after which they went out back to the car.

When they got out, they met a small gathering few miles away from them. Yolanda wanted to run towards the crowd to see what it was. It looks like a man just fainted.

"It non of our business, Yolanda" Agatha held her wrist.

"I think he might need my help"

"Fine! I won't wait for you, I'm leaving"

Agatha went into her car and drove off without waiting for her friend.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Yolanda said. "Excuse me" She went on her knees besides the man and began to press his chest contentiously.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A man grabbed her arm roughly glaring angrily at her.

"I'm a doctor, let me take a look at him"

After she explained herself, he let go of her arm and gave her a positive nod to go ahead.

She kept applying pressure to her his chest until the man gave a loud sneeze and opened his eyes slightly.

" Are you okay?" She placed both her hands on his chest and stared into his eyes.

" Yes, I'm fine" he whispered slightly before passing out once again.

"He needs to get to the hospital. Please help me"

Some hefty looking men ran towards them and immediately blocked everyone away from the man. They lifted him up and took him to a car before driving off to the hospital.

It almost like an hour and even though the man has been attended to, he still hasn't gained consciousness yet. This time, Yolanda stood besides his bed, examining his face silently. He was handsome, but she knew he must have been an important man judging with the numbers of bodyguard outside his room.

Yolanda took his hand, trying to check his pulse when he suddenly grabbed her hand tightly.

Her body sprang up in fear because of his sudden action. She kept looking at his face. Just then, his lashes flustered gently.

He moved his head around and tried to open his eyes again, trying to adjust to the light in the room.

When Yolanda saw that he was affected by the ray of sunlight, she ran to the window and pulled down the curtains.

Feeling more comfortable, he finally began to opened his eyes fully. He saw someone standing not too far away from him, although his vision was blurry he couldn't see who it's was but with the figure and long hair, he knew it's must be a woman.

She ran towards him and held his hand.

" You're awake! Are you feeling any pain anywhere? I will go get the Doctor" Yolanda turned around to leave when he grabbed her coat.

" I will prefer to go home, discharge me"

His husky voice was calmed and gentle.

" But you need to rest! Your ankle is sprained and besides the doctor won't let you go until you're fine"

" What hospital keeps people against their will" He blurted out massaging his temple.

" Oh, I can see you're so stubborn! Stay right here and I will go get the doctor" She gave him a frown before heading out to the door.

He watched her back leaving the room and the corner of his lips curved up in a smile.


Days after the man was discharged, Yolanda didn't seems to come across him again ever since then.

On this day, She and Aggie were in a open garden. It's was crowded with people who also came there to have a leisure time after having a busy week.

" Yolanda, I want to get married to a prince! So handsome, So rich!" Agatha hugged herself tightly and shut her eyes, wallowing in her daydreams.

" Stop dreaming Aggie! And besides you already have a prince. Albert isn't a prince but he loves you never the less"

"Come on, You know my father will never allow me marry someone that's not in our social circle" She rolled her eyes. ' Albert my foot!' She wisheperd.

Yolanda shook her head, she should have known her friends reply.

"Cheers!" They hit their burger slightly with each other before giving it a really huge bite.

" Hi girls"

Agatha's eyes was wide open, so was her lips. The man standing in front of them was no other than Desmond Ambrose. DA for short.

He was standing elegantly, plus the evening sun added to his cuteness.

" Can I join you girls?" He exchanged glances between the both of them and his eyes finally stopped on Yolanda and he gave her a sweet smile, showing off his dimple.

"Of course y-you c-can" Agatha replied. She was shocked to see him although she tried her possible best to hide her shock.

"You! How have you been?" Yolanda stood up and stood in front of him holding onto her burger as if her life depends on it.

Stepping closer to her, he wiped the ketchup at the corner of her mouth slowly.

" Yes me"

" How's your foot?" She felt awkward so she quickly stepped back from him.

" Great now! Look" He lifted it up to her and swang it around slowly making Yolanda chuckle.

" I'm so glad to finally see you again. Can I…" He was interupted by Agatha.

" Hello, I'm Agatha. Yolanda's best friend. You can call me Aggie" She Stretch her hand out to him quickly.

" Nice to meet you Aggie" He took her hand and let go before turning around to face Yolanda.

"So you're Yolanda. Can I get your number?" He stretched his phone towards her but Agatha took it swiftly.

" Sure! Why not!"

Taking his phone back, " Not you, I mean Yoyo"

Yolanda blinked at him. Yoyo! Really!Why would he even call her that! It's makes her feel like a child.

" You can take Aggie's, It's nothing!" She quickly replied when she already sense the anger coming from her best friend.

" Have this, Do call me okay" He pushed his business card into her hand before turning around to leave.

" Wow! Yolanda! You never told me about this"

" About what Aggie? You remember the patience that passed out besides the road and I have to rush him down to the hospital, right? I never met him again until today. I have no idea he was DA either!"

She held unto Aggies hand looking directly and Intensely Into her eye.

" Have you fucked him, Yolanda"

" What!No! I don't know him in person"

Agatha took her hand from her roughly.

" Yeah! My parents have been trying to match me with DA for a while now but it's wasn't easy. Then how did you get his attention then?"

" Aggie, It's not what you think. I just helped this man to the hospital and I never met with him again since then.You believe me don't you" Yolanda tried to hug her but Agatha pushed her away slightly.

" I know what you're doing here, the same thing you did with your uncle!"

" Aggie, That's an hurtful word to say to me. You know what uncle did to me was against my will and it's still hurt me until now"

"But you enjoyed ever bit of it! You moaned did you not" Agatha folded her arms,as a wicked smirk left her mouth.

Moving closer to her, Yolanda sniffed continuously before she said. " Every night when he would come into my room, I always wish I would die. It's was the most painful experience of my life. I tired to kill myself so many times, I wanted to give up on everything not until I met you Aggie. You gave me the love i yawned for and I will never hurt you. I never knew your parents were trying to match you and DA together and neither did I have anything to do to with him, I Love you Aggie."

" Then prove it! Help me get him and I will know you truly love me and cherish our friendship."

On that note, She turned around and left towards her car before zooming off angrily.

Yolanda sat back down and buried her head in-between her thighs and sob softly.

She doesn't want to believe the friendship of so many years wanted to crumble because of a man she has nothing to do with. She would do everything in her power to make her best friend happy even if it's means begging for a relationship for her.