chapter 5: A Jealous wife

Ever since the marriage, Yolanda goes to work and went back home to her husband which hinder her from seeing her friend most times.

On this day, Agatha walked into the hospital looking for Yolanda. Everyone at the hospital was familiar with her so she was quickly told where she would find her friend.

Agatha stood in front of the door that was supposed to be for Yolanda's office. She peeked at her through the crack. Yolanda looks different, somewhat happy and she gained more weight as well. She didn't know she now has a office.

She was chatting with someone over the phone and was smiling non-stop, what's going on with her? what has changed?

"I will speak with you later" Yolanda quickly ended the call when she saw Agatha walk in.

"Aggie, nice to see you here! Come sit down" She pointed to a sit nervously.

"Yolanda, what's going on? You have not been coming home and what's with this new look"

"Aggie, I have been having double shifts here at the hospital and it's made my schedule so tight am sorry I didn't come home"

Aggie examined her, she sure looks different like a happily married woman!

"Yolanda, you have been working for more than three months right! That's what you keep telling me over the phone what exactly is going on with you! Anyways if you don't want to tell me it's your problem. I came to tell you about my marriage with DA! It's has been finalized"

Yolanda wanted to scream at her but she kept her temper in check.

"oh, you mean Desmond agreed to the marriage!"

"Yes, all thanks to you, I know you convinced him to it. You can keep working nonstop at the hospital because I might soon he moving in with his family." Agatha said proudly.

"C-congratulations to the both of you" Yolanda whispered.

"Okay let's me take you out for lunch, it's on me okay"

"Sure why not, I will just finish up here and come with you" She began to arrange some files on her table.

" Alright, I will wait for you outside" Agatha left the room for the reception.

Yolanda felt like crying, that damn Desmond agreed to marry her without telling his wife about it! How dare he!

After a while, she went out to her and they both headed to eat out.

" For so many months, you didn't come back home! why?"

Desmond sat still listing to his mother's complaines non-stop.

"Mom, I'm not a child, I'm a grown man." He simply replied.

" Austin, did you hear your son talking back at his mother! Did you" His mother shouted angrily.

Everyone knows Mrs. Ambrose to be a very dramatic woman that always wants her voice and opinion to be heard.

"Lucy, calm down! He's not a child truly. Can you give me some alone time with my son" Mr. Ambrose replied. The entire study fell silent as both father and son gazed at her, waiting for her to leave.

" Fine! But I'm coming back for the both of you! I will definitely not be pushed out like this!" She walked out and slammed the door.

" You're so tolerant of her Dad, I wouldn't stand her for a day not even a lifetime!"

Desmond and his father laughed out loud.

" She's my cross, I bear her with fortitude!"

They both laughed ones again, seriously his wife was just too much.

" But honestly Son, you left without a word. Although your assistant report to me that you come to the office everyday but you never came to see us. Is it because of your mother or because of the ring around your finger!"

Mr. Ambrose sipped his coffee slowly, he definitely saw it, the wedding band.

" Yes dad, I love her and we had to do this. I'm sorry I didn't inform you about it. I'm just worried about her that's all"

He smiled looking at the ring, his symbol of commitment to his wife, he would never take it off even if it's means death! But his own mother was too angry that she didn't notice it.

" I can clearly see you're happy Son and I'm satisfied with it. As long as you're happy, I'm happy too but who's she? I hope to meet her soon enough"

" You will Dad, you called me here anyways" he sat up straight and gazed seriously at his father.

" Your mother and I have arranged for your marriage with Mr. Addams daughter. But I wasn't aware you are married so now I know, it's would he called off immediately." Mr. Ambrose assured his son.

"Dad, I would never marry anyone else, you know it's against the law"

"I know, don't worry, you won't. The young lady can get married to someone else."

They both had their pep talk for a while before they went downstairs to meet his angry mother and Mr Ambrose, his angry wife.

" Honey"

" Don't honey me! You both always do this treating me like an outcast." She began to sob softly.

"Mom, please! Stop being dramatic, it's nothing. You own the house and us as well remember"

His mother slapped him slowly on his shoulder and said. " Will you marry Mr. Addams daughter then"

Desmond was silent for a while, he glanced at his father then to his mother and replied. " I Will do anything you say Mom"

His father didn't panic, he knew his son will always have a plan.

"Thank you Desmond! I love you my boy"

She hugged him tightly.

Yes! He's her boy only when he obeys her but he would become his father's son whenever he does otherwise.

Desmond headed straight home, he misses his wife already so he just wants to see her right away.

When he got inside, the appealing aroma from the kitchen makes his stomach grumble. He tiptoed to the kitchen and hugged her from behind.

"I miss you Yoyo" He kissed her neck slowly.

Yolanda stood still, unlike before she would he happy to see him but not today so she pushed him away slightly and bypass him to get some hot dog and eggs from the fridge.

Desmond became silent and watched her silently.

"Yoyo, what's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?" He asked softly.

Yolanda ignored his existence, she kept cooking quietly, hitting the utensils angrily against each other trying to take her anger out on them. He was getting married without telling her! How dare he!

Desmond stood there quietly without interrupting her. He knew something was up but what did he do to upset his wife!

Yolanda finished in the kitchen and stormed upstairs angrily. She slept on the bed and yank the blanket over her body angrily.

"Yolanda, what's wrong! I'm sorry if I up set you"

"when are you going to tell me Desmond! When!" She yelled.

"Tell you what!" he asked confused.

" That you will take another wife and you will break our marriage vows! When will you tell me about it"

Desmond gasp, that! His wife was being jealous right now and besides how did she know.

"I was going to tell you about it, I'm not taking any wife neither am I breaking our vows, trust me"

"Desmond, Aggie came to invite me for her wedding, she told me you agreed to it. I can't even make my marriage public because I have to hide, why must it me who has to sacrifice all the time! Why! I don't want to do it anymore, I want to be selfish too"

Yolanda reached for the lamp by the bedpost and switched it off before turning around to face away from him. She doesn't want to talk to him, neither did she want to have him rub it's on her face.

Desmond heard her sniffing and sobbing softly, he went to sit besides her, trying to pet her but she refused.

"Yoyo, I'm sorry okay! please don't cry"

He begged her for the entire night but she didn't give in to him.

Women! Can he truly understand them, what has he done! It's not as if he has really gotten married has he?

What should he do to coarse his sweet yoyo now!


" Wakee! Wakee!" Desmond planted a kiss on Yolanda's forehead.

She groaned and rolled around on the bed before she stood up, stretching lazily.He placed a tray of toast and milk on her thighs. Breakfast in bed!

He wanted to kinda do everything to please her.

"I'm not hungry" She pouted and refused the food angrily. Even when her stomach grumbled loudly.

"But your stomach said other wise! Eat or I will force you to"

He took the food from her thighs and places it on a table beside their bed and began to tickle her.

" If you won't eat, then I won't stop"

"Fine! Stop! I-i will eat" She finally agreed.

He took the food and began to feed her,

" I love you and I won't marry Agatha. Trust me"

" I should trust you?" She asked again to be sure.

" Yes, Yoyo, trust me" He assured.

" I will trust you, I know you won't hurt me"

She hugged him tightly. She cannot deny the fact that she's scared, of Aggie and his family.

What will become of them when they find out about them?