chapter 4: Flash marriage

Yolanda bite her lips softly, she was short of words. What exactly does he wants from her!

" I don't have a cure to your heart i-issues"

She quickly turned around to leave but he was quicker that he hurriedly stood up from the bed and hugged her from behind.

" Leave us!" He said to his men and they immediately left the room.

When they were alone in the room, he finally spoke.

" Don't leave me yoyo, I don't want anyone else" He murmur on her neck.

"I have something to lose if I allow this relationship, my friendship of more than eight years will be gone. Please try to understand"

Desmond pushed her away from him slightly, " What the heck! What about me! You can't force Love, I know Agatha and her parents have been trying relentlessly to get her married to me. I knew it's because her parents wants to expand their business and nothing more even Aggie also wants to marry a rich man that's all! Honestly, my parents agreed to it because her parents are also influencia as you know but I have always disagreed because if I want to be with someone, I want it to be the person my heart chose"

Yolanda, was so surprised. She never knew Desmond knew about that!

"I never knew you knew about it, But never the less, she still wants you"

He took her face in-between his hands.

" I raised my voice earlier and I'm sorry I did. Yoyo, let's get married!"

"What! Marriage! Don't you think that's too hasty" She blinked at him.

" That's the only way I would prove to you that I want to be serious with you. We don't need to let anyone know. I'm telling you that if we don't do it now, it's might be too late for us, because I know my parents must especially my mother she always gets what she wants."

"But still I think it's too hasty. I just…"

" Yolanda, you need to trust me on this, it's now or never"

She bite her lips nervously, it's not like she doesn't want to be with him, who doesn't want to be with Desmond Ambrose! But how will Aggie feel? Maybe she just has to stop thinking about anyone else and be selfish for once in her life.

"Okay, I don't know where these will be leading us to but let's give it a try" She replied.

"Yes! Yes! I Love you Yolanda" He pulled her to a long, tight hug. She buried her face on his chest and inhaled the smell of his collagen.

"Let's go" He took the file from her and dropped it on the bed. He pulled her hand with him as they both ran out to his car.

Yolanda couldn't believe he got everything prepared already.He got her a simple white flowery dress to wear, and a stiletto heels with freshly picked flowers just for her.

He stood In front of the priest smiling, as she walked towards him. He took her hand and intertwined as they both faced the priest.

" Is there anyone you would love to be here with you right now, I will get the person" Desmond whispered into her ears.

"No one, the only family I have is Aggie"She replied with the hint of sadness In her voice. She wished her best friend would be by her side now, she wished they don't have to fight so much because of something not so serious.

"I'm here with you, I'm not leaving any time soon" He squeezed her hand as a sign of assurance.

The priest began the ceremony between them.

'I do' was said as they both exchanged rings and was officially joined together in holy matrimony.

Desmond took her out to the car and droved off. In no time, they arrived at a small, yet peaceful house.

"I know it's small, but It's the safest place to be. Away from my family and your friend for now after we make our marriage public, we will move to a much bigger apartment.I hope you're not disappointed" He looked at the house then back to her with a smile on his face.

"I love it, it's okay. But you do know I can't leave here fully yet without my friend knowing. So I would still have to go home sometimes"

"This is your home now, you don't need any other home again" He said as they both walked in.

Desmond took her everywhere around the house, answering every question and feeding her curiosity. The house may be small but it's has everything one needs to live a comfortable life.

Then lastly to their bedroom. Yolanda was nervous of going inside with him, he's her husband now! What if he demands his marital rights, what will she do?

And as she had guessed, he started hovering around her like a bee as soon as they get to the bedroom. He kissed her hungrily, touching every part of her body before he lifts her up to the bed.

"Desmond, there's something I need to tell you" She whispered.

"Nothing right now Yoyo, everything can wait"

In no time, their clothes were flung everywhere in the room and they were on the bed, Yolanda watched his handsome face on her after she finally decided to give him a chance.

He kissed her lips slowly, " I Love you Yolanda" He whispered into her ears.

Maybe she loved him too at that time, she didn't know but all she knew was that, she wanted this man more than ever. She held unto him for dear life and so grateful was she when she finally felt him inside of her making her shut her eyes tightly with unprepared moans escaping her lips as he kept thrusting slowly, taking her through the highest point of pleasures.


Desmond turned to his side, examining the face of his sleeping wife. He loved every bit of his life ever since the day he set his eyes on her, and it's was the day he had vowed he would marry her.

But he couldn't help but notice he wasn't the first man she had had. Who was it that touched his Yoyo! He became jealous.

It's doesn't really matter to him though because he loves her so much even if he's not sure about her feelings for him but still he couldn't help but feel jealous about it, he wants her for himself alone.

He was jolted out from his thoughts with the buzzing sound of his phone. When he saw the caller's ID, he immediately switched off his phone. His mother, he doesn't want to deal with her today maybe some other time not right now.

He pulled Yolanda into his embrace and he slowly fell asleep in the company of his Love.


"Good morning Mr handsome!" Yolanda hugged him from behind and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

" Morning my darling wife, are you too tired?" He teased her and he enjoyed how her cheeks suddenly turned red.

"Oh, someone's blushing!" Desmond blinked at her and Yolanda quickly hid her face on his chest.

"Stop Desmond!" she held unto his shirt more tightly.

He took her by the shoulder and examined her all over. "So is there a special reason you're wearing my shirt, Mrs. Ambrose."

" We didn't pack any thing for me, I just had to wear what I see. Don't be stingy Mr. Ambrose." She threw her hand around his neck and planted an unaware kiss on his lips. Desmond wanted to returned the kiss but she pulled away from him.

"That's not fair!" He grunted.

"Everything's fair in love and war!" She winked before brushing her body against him to get a glass of juice.

He watched her gulping down the drink slowly, she looks sexy in his shirt that he wants to snack on her right there and then.But then, his facial expressions became serious, he remembered she wanted to talk to him about something.

"You wanted to tell me something last night" He went to her and lift her up to the kitchen counter.

"Yes" She replied softly and looked away from him tugging her shirt nervously.

" You can trust me" He assured her.

"I guessed you already noticed you weren't my first m-man, It's happened when I was with my uncle"

A body of tears began to gather up in her eyes, it's something she doesn't want to talk about but if she would be spending a lifetime with Desmond, he needs to know.

"He would come into my room every night and he w-would put…" Tears began to run down her cheek without control.

"Shhh! That's enough! Don't cry, I'm sorry all that happened to you" He hugged her and pat her back gently as if he was trying to smoot a child.

"I-I tried to warn you last night but you didn't allow me. I won't blame you if you don't want me anymore"

Desmond arched his brow. He didn't want her! Seriously!

" Silly girl! What do you mean, when I said I Love you, I wasn't kidding Yoyo, I do alot."

He wiped the tears from her eyes and carried her bridal style.

"Let me show you how much I want you"

Yolanda threw both her hands around his neck as they made their way upstairs to the bedroom.