chapter 3: Heart problem

The inside of the car was silent as he pulled up in front of her building.

He gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

" Take care of yourself"

Yolanda nodded before getting off from the car. She stood there and watched him zoom off.

She sighed softly before turning around. She suddenly stopped when she saw Agatha standing right behind her.

She came closer to Yolanda and held her wrist tightly and pulled her roughly inside.

"So how did it go? Did you do as I asked you?"

Yolanda took her wrist from her and rubbed it gently. "Yes, I mentioned you to him" She replied.

"That's all! You just mentioned me! What about setting us up together, remember that's the reason why I sent you to the party in the first place. "

"Aggie, you know how this things works! We have to give him time and besides he hasn't gone out with you. We can't just force Love on anyone" Yolanda snapped. She was really getting so tired of her friends annoying behavior. She turned and began to stride towards her bedroom.

" Yolanda, what happened at the party?" Agatha asked softly. She tend to gain some sort of courage, is it because something happened between them?

Hearing the question, She stopped and clenched her purse tightly. She knew she would never be able to tell her that Desmond refused her, so to avoid more drama, she simply replied. "Nothing" Before slamming the door.

She threw her purse on the bed and kicked off her shoes. She fell on the bed with a thud, facing the roof, thinking about what happened earlier.

She touched her lips slightly and unconsciously a smile escaped her lips. The party was fun and she enjoyed the kiss no doubt about it. She stood up and unzip her dress and it's falls to her feets with a ruffles. She went into the bathroom to have her wash.


Hands on the wall, Desmond let's the hot water flow through his body. He kept thinking about her, and yet he thought about how she wanted him to chose her friend instead.

'How ridiculous!' He hissed.

He turned off the shower knob and took a towel to cover the essentials before he took another to dry his hair.

He threw the towel to the sofa in his room and picked up his phone. He misses her already, so he would just call her, No! What if it's brought trouble to her so it's better if he just text her instead, he thought.

Yolanda was standing in front of the full-length mirror in her room, applying some facial cleanser to her face when her phone beeped.

She threw the used facial wipes into the trashcan at the corner of her room before picking up her phone.

"You asleep"

She read the message and bite the inside of her lips.

She quickly texted back. "About to, Why did you ask?"

"Nothing, just missing you." Desmond texted back.

Yolanda held her phone for a while, heisting to reply his text. Was she being selfish? What about her best friend? Did she misses him too?

"I'm so tired now, I need to rest. Have a good night sleep" She finally replied.

Desmond didn't bother to reply her. He knew she was just trying to discharge him so he didn't push it anymore.


" Good morning Yolanda, you have a patient specially waiting for you."

" Good morning Judy, a special patient you say!" Yolanda looked surprised.

" Yes, He's at the VIP section and he specially requested for you. Here's his file"

Judy handed over a spiral bind file to her quickly before leaving for her work station.

She opened the file slowly and her eyes swept through it. But to her surprise, it's was stated in the file that the patient has a heart problem.

Heart problem! But she's not a Cardiac surgeon! Why on earth will the patient request for her then. She takes care of sick people but not people with heart issue.

"Did he have a death wish" She giggled. He wants her to use him as a lab rat! Interesting!

She tried to find his name but didn't find any, Strangely he's anonymous. That's even more interesting!

Yolanda began to walk towards the VIP section of the hospital.

" Chest pain, Heart burn, Insomnia, Upset stomach, Undying anger!" She read out loud as she kept walking towards the VIP section but then she stopped.

" Undying anger! Is that even a sickness"

Indeed the patient is interesting. She can't wait to meet whoever it's! His or her health issues are strange ones. From Heart problem to upset stomach! Seriously!

When she saw there was nothing to read before meeting the patient, she closed the file and used her asses card to open the door to the VIP room.

In the room, there were so many body guards at each corner of the room with their dark glasses on making it difficult for anyone to see their faces.

Infront of the french window,a tall man was standing with his back turned to her.He has his phone to his ear making some rather quiet conversation over the phone so Yolanda made sure she stood quietly at his back waiting patiently for him.

Obviously,he must be the strange patient.

After a short while, he was done but he still stood there, staring out with his back still turned to her.

" Excuse me, I'm the Doctor you requested for. But first things first, I don't operate hearts! I don't know anything about it so i guessed you choose the wrong person. I Will ask the head nurse to fix you with someone who could help you." She rushed through the word quickly before turning around to leave.

"And what if I say I don't need anyone else but you and that you're the only one that would help me fix my heart"

Yolanda froze when she heard the voice. Her hand clenched the file tightly, It's him! It's DA!

She turned around to face him quickly, the file she was holding fell from her hand. Her lips was parted slightly in shock. What on earth was he doing here!

" I have a heart problem and i came to the only person who could fix it." He picked up the file and forced it into her hand.

He walked towards the bed and rested his back on it. " Are you not going to attend to your patient! Come on, will you keep staring at me!"

Yolanda forced her motionless legs to walk but Instead, she try to run outside but was stopped by the guards.

" Be a good girl and examine me!" Desmond chuckled softly.

She was usherd towards the bed by the me in black and she has no other choice but to do it.

She used her stethoscope to examine him after which she took the files and opened it again.

" It's stated here that you have a heart problem, chest pain, Insomnia, heart burn, upset stomach and undying anger, can you please explain how you feel to me"

She said without looking at him.

"How I feel! Are you seriously asking me that Doctor YOyo! You know how I feel but regardless I will explain it to you" Desmond took her hand and placed it on his chest, his gaze fixed on her as he continued.

" My hearts In pain because the woman I love wants to give me away, I have a chest pain thinking about it every time. And as for my heart burn, it's burns only with her love and my stomach gets upset thinking about the fact that she doesn't want to be with me and my undying anger is because she doesn't want to fight for us either, because I know she wants me but can't stand up for it. And thinking about all this gives me sleepless nights, that's why I have insomnia."

He sway her hair away from her face and rest it to the back of her ear slowly.

" So tell me Doctor, do you think you have a cure for me?"