Chapter 7: The truth

The entire living room of the Ambrose's was filled with people and was buzzing with excitement.

Agatha was dressed elegantly in a pink full-length gown, embroidered with flowery roses from the neck to the waistline. Her face was shimmy with happiness.She knew after this ring exchange, she would no longer worry about having Desmond any more, he would official be hers.

Speaking of Desmond, she hasn't seen him all day and she panicked if he would show up.

Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose were talking to their guest and Lucy Ambrose was the happiest. Her son's getting married to the woman of her choice.

She looked around the sea of people, searching for her son but he was obviously not there.

"Where are you? You don't want to be late for your own engagement party would you?" She said over the phone.

"I will be with you in five" Desmond quickly replied before ending the call.

Yolanda heard his mother's voice at the other end of the phone and became more curious as the whole introduction thing would happen in the next few hours.

" It's okay" Desmond squeezed her hand tightly.

Yolanda gave him a faint smile before turning to face the window, quietly wallowing in her thoughts.

After a while, their car pulled up in front of the Ambrose's Mansion and they both got down from the car. Desmond held her hand as they trudged towards the main building.

On getting to the entrance, Desmond stopped and turned to face Yolanda. " I will go in first" He smooth her hair gently then continued " You will come in when I say so, you have to trust me on this"

He gave her a long kiss on her forehead, then stared into her eyes for a while before turning around to leave but Yolanda suddenly tugged his sleeve,she wasn't going to pretend she wasn't scared anymore. Desmond stood still for a while before pulling her into a brief hug after which he headed inside.

"Thank goodness he's here now! You don't need to worry anymore" Mrs. Ambrose said to panicking Agatha.

To be honest, she also thought her son wouldn't be coming for the party but seeing him made her so relax.

Desmond looked around the room and saw it's was full to the brim. They were planning an engagement for an already married man! He chuckled softly.

" I thought you won't make it, I'm glad you came son" His mother gave him a tight hug of relief.

" I wouldn't miss this party for anything, mom"

His mother stared strangely at him, she thought he was going to be all gloomy but instead he was radiating with so much happiness.

He looked towards the direction of his father and sister and gave them a wink and they both responded with a soft smile. They are the only ones that know the truth and they can't wait to see whatever Desmond has planned for the night!

He walked up to Agatha, who was blushing and smiling from ear to ear. Her biggest dream was finally coming through.

"I'm so happy you made it for our engagement" She said tugging her dress and facing the floor.

Giggling softly, Desmond replied:" What made you think I'm here for you"

Agatha looked up at him with a narrow gaze, what does he mean by that!

" Here is the ring, you both should exchange it and let's get this over and done with!" Mrs. Ambrose break into her thought.

Agatha stared at Desmond then back to the beautiful diamond rings sitting elegantly in the small velvet box patiently waiting to be worn by someone.

She stretched out her hand slowly towards it, hesitant about going ahead but then, she thought it's would be now or never for her so she quickly picked up the ring. With the ring still in her hand, Agatha gazed Into Desmond's emotionless eyes, trying to figure out something but he wasn't giving any of his feelings away.

"Your hand please" She whispered to him.

" I don't love you and I can't do this" Came his harsh yet loud reply, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Desmond, what are you saying? Don't do this in front of everyone, please." Mrs. Ambrose said in between her teeth, trying as much as possible to control the rage that as started to build up inside her.

" Mom, I'm saying the truth. I don't want to marry her"

His mother moved closer to him and grabbed his arm as tightly as she could " And can you tell me the reason why can't?"

" I came here today not for the engagement party but because I want to make something known to you, something my very own mother was blind to see because of her selfish ambitions" He gazed his mother straight in her eyes, pricing into her soul. Something he has never done before.

" Can you just go straight to the point and stop making me look like a bad mother here!"

" I'm married mother! I'm!" He yelled at the top of his voice before showing her his wedding band.

Mrs. Ambrose's eyes got bigger at the sight of the wedding band and her hand that was holding his arm slide down lifelessly.

" Y-you don't want to get married to Agatha then, I will understand but don't bring up this marriage bullshit to get away from it"

He didn't bother to reply instead, he stride through the crowd and they all made way for him slowly.

He met Yolanda pacing nervously and bitting her fingers.

"Yolanda" He jolted her out of her thought.

" It's time" He told her hand and Intertwined with his before they both went back into the house.

" There she's, mom, she's my wife and our marriage is real and not a bullshit so you better be ready to accept your daughter in-law"

The ring Agatha was holding fell off her hand and rolled down before stopping at Yolanda's feets.

" Yolanda, what's going on?" Agatha asked in a shaky voice.

" What happened was that, we got married" Desmond replied.

" What's happening here! Is she not your maid, Agatha? Then what's she doing with my son!" Mrs. Ambrose tried to run towards them but was stopped by her husband.

" Lucy, let the children be this time, please. For the sake of his happiness"

" Happiness? He's not going to stay married to a nobody like her! Demomd, as your mother, I order you to divorce her right this minute!" She screamed as she struggled to break free from her husband's tight grip.

" No Mom, I'm sorry, I'm gonna disobey you this time, I can't. I love her so much!"

He tighten his grip around Yolanda's hand.

"Yolanda, you married him? You lied and betrayed me like this! Is this what you do to your friend" Agatha yelled with iry and began to run towards her, ready to strike her.

But before she could, Desmond pushed Yolanda behind him protectively and stepped in front of her like her shield.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her." He glanced from Agatha then to his mother, sending a warning signal to them.

Yolanda slide her hand to his arm and held on tightly as tears drip down from her eyes. "I'm sorry Aggie, I don't mean to hurt you believe me" She peeked at her from behind Desmond.

" But you did Yolanda, I thought you're my friend" Agatha's shoulders dropped.

"She did nothing, she tired her best to fix us together but I don't want you Agatha, I want to be with Yolanda and I knew this from the very first time I saw her. You're a pretty girl that so many man would kill to have, but definitely not me" Desmond slide his hand over Yolanda's, holding on and still protecting her.

" But I want you Desmond, I want you can't you see" Agatha fell on her knees,held her gown tightly and wept.

"Aggie, don't cry, I'm sorry. I promise you I tried all I could but it didn't work out as I planned" Yolanda said still peeking at her.

" You bitch! You dare steal your friends man!" Agatha's mother shouted, picking her daughter up and hugging her.

" Don't you all get it, I don't belong to Agatha, Yolanda is my wife!" Desmond, turned to the guests and said. " I'm so sorry my family and I wasted your time but as you can all see, the engagement won't be holding and we would love to talk about things as family"

" What do they take us for!" The guest blurted angrily. They started to dismiss one after another untill the room was empty.

" Desmond, if you're not going to divorce this filthy girl, then I don't want to ever see your face!" His mother turned her back to him. She doesn't believe her son would go against her just because of a woman!

" Mom, you won't forgive your son just this time, you know I have never gone against you but please forgive me this once" He touched her shoulder but she shrugged his hand off angrily.

" Get out Desmond and don't you ever showed your face in front of me again!"