chapter 8: Sudden Anger

Desmond nodded obediently, and took Yolanda's hand and walked out of the house.

Margret ran after his brother and called out to him. " Desmond" He stopped and she jumped on him, throwing her hand around his neck.

"You will be fine, you know mom" She whispered.

"Yolanda, it's okay" She let's go of her brother and pulled Yolanda into her embrace.

"I'm so sorry Maggie, I don't mean for all of this to happen and it's my fault"

"Oh no Yolanda, it's not your fault. it's no one's fault. You both just wanted to be with each other that's all" She rubbed her back gently, consoling her.

Desmond took Margaret's hand and stroke her hair. " Take care of yourself and our parents, I might not he coming here for a long time now"

Margret nodded at him before the couple went into their car and zoomed off into the dark. She waved at the car until it's totally buried into the darkness and out of her sight.

" Mom, Dad, I want Desmond. I want him at all cost" Agatha said sobbing as she rest her head on her mother's thighs.

" Yes my darling, you will have him, Desmond is yours. Yours alone" Her mother pat her back gently then looked at her husband.

" Honey, do something. Are we just going to watch that stinking girl take away our daughters happiness, won't we do something about it."

" I don't know honey, but I know Lucy definitely will have a plan, let's wait for her instructions" He bend forward slightly and touched his daughters head. " Don't worry Aggie, you will have what's yours, I assure you." He gave his wife a kiss and went upstairs to their room.


Sitting in the middle of her dark room on a rocking chair, Mrs. Ambrose slowly began to recount her son's words. It's just dwell on her that Desmond actually disobeyed her for the first time ever.

She lost control of her son because of that simple, filthy girl he called a wife. But she would never be defeated like this, she would definitely get Desmond under her control again.

Mrs. Ambrose sprang up from the rocking chair and began to pace around nervously,but she stopped when the door of her dark room suddenly pushed open.

"Honey, let the children be. All Desmond wanted was to get his mother's approval and support but you couldn't give him that just because he went against you! Really"

Mr. Ambrose switched on the light in the room and quietly studied his wife with his hand around his waist.

"Support! How dare he wants that after everything he did. He went against me because of that girl and I will never forgive him." She replied as she strolled angrily towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

All her husband could do was sigh, he knew this won't be easy for Desmond and Yolanda if his wife remained this way, but never the less, he would support his son.


The balcony of their house was so quiet and peaceful that night and the only sound that was audible was the sound of Yolanda's pounding heart. She held unto the railing tightly with her head bow, sniffing quietly. It's just happened, that which she has feared the most.

Her best friend probably hates her so much because of this and she won't be so surprised if Agatha doesn't want to see her again.

"Coffee" Desmond said. He handed her a cup of coffee then led her to a chair.

He touched her forehead with the back of his hand then he noticed she has a slight fever. He instantly took off his jacket and rapped her around with it.

" You stayed here ever since we came back, now you are beginning to have a fever" He scolded her as he adjust the suite around her body.

"Desmond, I'm sorry. I don't mean for any of this to happen, I think we should truly get a divorce" Yolanda dropped the cup of coffee on the tea table in front of her impatiently, before taking Desmond's hand and squeezing it. " Please"

Her words stuck him like an arrow, making his heart twitched bringing waves of unlimited pain flush through him. In the matter of seconds, his entire body experienced lots of emotions as he fixed his gaze on her.

From regrets, to pity to anger. He slammed his fist on the table angrily, making the mug jiggle, his face reddens and his voice thunders. " I won't divorce you Yolanda!"

He sprang up and stood some few steps away from her, his hands around his waist as he was panting non-stop.

" Desmond, I know but I'm just suggesting we should do it because I don't want your mom to disown you because of me. I won't blame you for anything, I will will just go back to my life and try to move on"

He swirl around like an hurricane, grabbing her wrist then placing his palm above her mouth to stop her from saying anything else that would hurt him the more.

He gazed right into the deepest of her soul.

" Don't you ever say that again. I won't leave you, I had promised you that"

He pulled her into his embrace and Yolanda rested her head on his chest, listing to his heart thuding in fast pase.

" I Love you Yolanda, I won't leave you okay" He kissed her head and allow the tears he has been holding back stream down from his cheek to her forehead. He won't leave her no matter what! He would do anything to keep his happiness even if it's means standing up against his mother.

Yolanda knew he was suffering as much as she was, he knew he loved her and his family. Maybe she shouldn't have accepted the marriage, she blamed herself.

They sat on the floor with Yolanda resting her head on his shoulders, she silently curled up in his shoulders, she has so many things to say but she would prefer if they were unsaid. After a while, she finally closed her eyes and drifted into a sleep.

Desmond, picked her up into his strong arms and took her into their room. He gently laid her down on the bed before covering her up with the blanket. He sat besides her, holding her hands, and examining her face.

He knew deep in his heart, that he has to fight for his new found happiness even if it's means going against his mother.


Months after at Ambrose Industries.

Everyone at the Conference room was paying uttermost attention to the ongoing discussion at hand.

Desmond and his father were whispering softly about something, after which he turned to the board members.

"I think we should sign the merger, it's will further benefit the company and the shares will also rise."

The board nodded their heads in agreement.

" Then we should proceed with it." Mr. Ambrose added.

The boards were please, they knew there can't be any CEO better than Desmond Ambrose, a young man with a broad knowledge for business.

" Then I will make some few calls and we could invite them over for the meeting" Desmond afframed boldly.

Suddenly the door of the conference room was pushed open and angry looking Mrs. Ambrose pushed her way in. The receptionist was at her back, fidgeting. She doesn't know how to stop her but she doesn't want her to Interrupt the meeting either.

"I'm sorry sir, she just won't stop" The young receptionist turned to Mr. Ambrose and rushed her words quickly.

" It's alright, you can leave" Mr. Ambrose gestured for the receptionist to go out. She gave a slight bow before walking towards the door.

" Who gave you both the right to make such a decision without me!" Mrs. Ambrose slammed her bag on the table, then gazed from her husband to her son.

"Lucy! What are you doing here? Whatever you need to say to me can wait. Let's go home now!" Mr. Ambrose stood up from his seat quickly and stormed angrily towards his wife and grabbed her wrist.

But Mrs. Ambrose snatched her wrist from him and said. " It's can't wait! I have as much right on this company as the both of you"

Mr. Ambrose already knew where the conversation was leading so he adjourned the meeting. " The meeting can continue some other time, as you can see, I have some things to sort out"

The board members began to leave the room one after the other until they were alone.

Mr. Ambrose went to the door and made sure it's was locked before turning to his wife.

" What do you mean? You can tell me all your worries at home not here!"

" why not? I also have rights, don't I. And besides I'm not comfortable with the CEO anymore"

Mr. Ambrose opened his mouth wide with surprise, he knew his wife was angry but he didn't know she could say that. She definitely knew how Desmond as worked hard with his entire life to build the company to the greatest hight. So what changed?