chapter 9: Knowing the truth

Desmond, who has been quite all along stood up slowly and strolled towards his mother.

" Mom, I promise you this deal will be a success, you can be rest assured"

Mrs. Ambrose stretched her hand out to stop him from talking any further. " When you can me Mom, it's my make my skin crawl! Don't you ever call me that again, you lost that right!" She gave him an angry look.

" Lucy, stop it will you. He's our son! What's wrong with you?" Mr. Ambrose felt so frustrated.

" He's your son not mine, any ways I came here to give him two options to pick from" She led herself to a seat. After sitting, she placed her hands on the table and gave Desmond a serious look.

" Young master Ambrose, I came to give you just two options to choose from and if you chose the wrong one, you can use the door"

Desmond blinked at her, he was seeing so much hatred in the eyes of his mother, nothing like he has ever see before. He clenched his lips together and replied." Alright mother, anything you say"

" Good. It's simple, you have decided to keep that filthy girl even after everything I told you. Now this is what I have to say; If you want to keep this seat" She pointed to the CEO's Chair and continued. " You have to choose wisely then. Now, you have to either divorce the girl and keep the seat or stay with her and give up the seat"

There was absolute silent in the room, Mr. Ambrose looked at his son then to his wife. At that time, he regretted ever giving his wife so much power in the company as much as he did. All he did was just to show her that she also has a right over his business but she's using it against him now. Is it a sin to love your wife? Now he sees there are certain things a man needs to keep his wife away from.

" You're joking, right?" He asked his wife.

" I'm not. It's up to the CEO to decide" She gave a satisfactory smrik.

" Mom, I have always done everything you wanted me to, In my entire like I have never gone against you but because I found happiness you hated me for it and also want me to let it go because you said so" He walked up to her and sat besides her. " No I won't. And the filthy girl is my wife. And I won't divorce her either."

He stood up besides her and turned to face his father. " I will re-sign as the CEO of Ambrose Industries with immediate effect"

Mrs. Ambrose, shifted her hand from the table slowly, she was so shocked Desmond would be so stubborn to give up the company for his wife, and she doesn't want him to leave either. All she wanted was to threatening him and make him do as she said but he took It too seriously.

" You won't leave, listen to me Desmond. Your mother is not serious about what she said and if you leave there's no one to run the company. I can't, because I'm too old for that now that's why I entrusted it to you in the first place. Remember you're my son okay"

" I'm damn seriously! Let him leave and Margaret will take over the company after all I have a daughter" Mrs. Ambrose took her bag and stormed out angrily, slamming the door behind her.

" I'm sorry dad, I have to leave now, we will talk later tonight. I just want to be alone." Desmond gave his father a tight hug before heading out.


Yolanda hit her hand furiously at the sofa, and threw the phone besides her before she buried her face on her palm.

She has called Desmond for the umpteenth times that night but he wasn't answering any of her calls. She became worried and scared, wondering what might have happened to him.

She stood up from the sofa and began to pace restlessly around In the living room. But her heart leaped for joy when she heard a hunk outside their house.

Desmond walked in and his face darkened when he saw her still up and waiting for her. Before he would say anything to her, she ran into him, and threw her hand around his neck In a hug.

" I was so worried about you, I missed you" She whispered.

He stood still like a rock, not moving, not returning her hug either. Yolanda noticed how rigid his body was and freed him from the hug. looking straight into his eyes, she said.

" Desmond, is something wrong?"

He avoided her gaze and tear himself away from her. He bypass her to the bedroom without a reply.

She watched him leave her there, not giving her a reply. His cold and unusual attitude made her know something was definitely up. So she quickly ran after him to know.

When she got to the bedroom, she heard the splattering of water coming from the bathroom. She sat down on the bed patiently waiting for him. After he came out, he behaved as though he didn't see anyone there.

"Desmond, are you alright? I'm worried" Yolanda grabbed the towel he was holding so he would notice her. Despite that, he left the towel for her and went to his closet to get changed after which he went to bed without a word.

She went to bed as well, she tried to talk to him but he kept giving her cold shoulders, making Yolanda wondered what really happened to her husband. After trying for a long time, she gave up. She turned her back to him and began to sob silently. She has never gone through this before so she was clueless as what to do.

With his hands under his head and face up to the roof, Desmond could hear her sniffing and crying. He wanted to pull her to him, comfort her and tell her he loves her so much more than before but he couldn't. Maybe he also wanted her gone too just like his mother so that she won't have to suffer because of him. He knew his mother won't give up easily and the fear of what she might do to her, honestly scares him.

The sudden buzzing sound of the phone made Yolanda groaned loudly in bed.

She stretch out her hand on the bed, touching everywhere slowly as if she was searching for something. She opened her eyes slowly when she wouldn't feel anyone on the bed bedsides her.

She wondered where Desmond went so early without his phone.

When she saw the phone didn't stop, she picked it up and answered it without looking at the callers ID.

" Hello" She said in a cracking husky voice.

"Yolanda, thank goodness you answered. I have been trying to get hold of Desmond since last night but he has being ignoring my calls" Margret was impatient to talk to her brother after she heard their parents arguing over something last night.

Yawing loudly, Yolanda replied." I don't know where he went without his phone, bedsides what's up?"

Margret explained all she heard between her parents to her and how their mother was so keen on replacing Desmond as the CEO.

Yolanda tightened her grip on his phone, everything now makes sense. Desmond was giving her cold shoulders because he was going through something he doesn't want to share with her.

"Maggie, do you think everything is because of me?"

"Well, if I heard right, then yes. Mom wants him to divorce you but he disagreed to it." Margret replied.

She knew it, everything's because of her. He's going to lose everything he worked for because of her.

"Thanks Maggie, I think we should not tell your brother that we have this conversation" She bite her lips nervously and was relieved when Margret agreed.

After the call ended, Yolanda scrolled through the call history and deleted the call log. She kept his phone back on the table and when she heard footsteps approaching the room, she ran back to bed and pretended to be asleep.

Desmond was all dressed to attend the meeting he has with his father and the board members concerning his resignation as the CEO. He was almost at his car when he noticed he didn't have his phone with him. He took his phone then turned to give his wife a quick kiss on her forehead before he finally left.

After Yolanda heard the door closed and the room silent once again, she stood up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. If there's something she could do for her husband, then it's would be to help him now that he needed it the most. He won't be the only one fighting for their relationship, she would have to too.