chapter 10: Begging for his happiness.

Yolanda looked around the big mansion, she remembered the first time she came here, she was introduced to the family but then she was embarrassed. And now she's here now to face things head up.

She was walked into the mansion by one the maid.

"Ma'am, she's here to see you" The maid said to Mrs. Ambrose bowing her head.

" You can leave, all of you" Mrs. Ambrose commanded.

" Why are you here? You're not welcome here, you know that" She frowned her face at Yolanda.

Yolanda stood right in front of her and slowly went on her knees and joined her hands together. " Mother, I know everything's happened because of me, but please I'm begging you don't punish Desmond because of it. I'm ready to do whatever you want me to but please leave Desmond out of this."

"How dare you call me mother!" Mrs. Ambrose sprang up from her seat and hurried towards her like a lightening. She pushed Yolanda to the floor with a thud.

" Mom, stop" Margret came running down the stairs when she saw what her mother was going to do to Yolanda.

She picked her up and examined her all over. " Are you hurt?"

Yolanda shook her head and Margret pulled her into a hug.

"Magert, get away from her and get to your room right now, I don't want to repeat myself." Mrs. Ambrose took her daughter's hand, separating her angrily from Yolanda.

"Mom, this is so unfair! She's my brother's wife, and your son's wife. Can't you treat her more nicely" Margret took her hand from her mother's and yelled at her.

" You're yelling at me because of this girl, Margret? Get the hell out of here, I don't want to see you "

Giving Yolanda one last look, margret, stormed back to her room angrily.

" Did you see that? My daughter raised her voice at me, something she has never done before. My son went against me and so is my husband! And it's all because of you. How dare you ruin my family like this"

Mrs. Ambrose grabbed Yolanda's hair tightly, making vains pop out of her forehead.

"You wanted to know what you can do right? Then leave my son alone and go far away from him then he will keep his position as the CEO. Can you do that?" She let go of her hair and dusted her hands against each other.

"Will he have his position back as the CEO?" Yolanda asked as tears stream down her cheeks.

"Yes, he will" Mrs. Ambrose replied.

"Then I will do it. I will leave your son's life and never come back again but you have to keep your word." She brushed the tears away from her cheek.

" I will do it, just don't ever come back again. I will prepare a flight ticket for you so long." Mrs. Ambrose looked at her from head to toe with total hatred.

Yolanda didn't say much, she turned around and began to leave the mansion. Maybe that's all she could do for her husband now, then it's not too much.

When she arrived home,she took her travelers bag and began to unpack her clothes from the closet into it slowly and absentmindedly.

She zipped up the bag and left a note for Desmond on the bed. She looked around the room one last time before heading out to hail a Taxi.

She asked the driver to head straight to the airport. She stared at the Flight ticket in her hand and wonderd how her mother-in-law got it arranged in no time.

upon getting to the airport, Yolanda gave the Taxi driver some cash and then got her luggage.

She shut her eyes tightly, gave a heavy sigh trying to prepare herself for the task ahead.

" Yolanda!"

She suddenly stopped when she heard that familiar voice called out to her. She turned slowly to face him.

She saw him standing some few meters away from her with a red eyes. Her heart stopped beating for a while, her lips wide apart, tears running down her eyes. it's must have been a blessing, she get to see him one last time before leaving him forever.

He started approaching her slowly then Yolanda turned around and began to hasten her steps. She doesn't want to talk to him or she might change her mind.

" Are you seriously leaving me without my permission" He took her wrist tightly.

But She refused to face him. " It's best this way." She replied.

Best? Would she really have gone without his knowledge, what if his sister never called him to inform him what happened between her and his mother. How would he have been able to get over her?

Desmond pulled her to himself without warning and hugged her tightly. He squeezed her to himself tightly, stroking her hair gently.

"I-im sorry, Desmond. I just don't know what to do" She sobbed in his embrace. All she wanted was for him to be happy.

"You don't have to do anything, I told you I will fight for us. I Love you yoyo"

He kept running his hand through her hair but he suddenly felt all her weight on his shoulders.

"Yolanda" He called out but no response.

He took her by the shoulders and stared at her face but it's was shut tightly. She fainted.

He slowly took her in his embrace and slowly went on his knees with her body still in his arms. He sigh softly, quietly examining her face.

Desmond finally picked her up princess style with Yolanda's hands dangling besides her. He took her to the back of the car and placed her down gently before he went back for her luggage which he threw at the car's trunk quickly. He hurried to the car and speed up to the hospital.

Patiently waiting for the doctor to get out of the ward and speak to him, Desmond felt more worried as time passes by.

"How's she?" He sprang up and rushed towards the Doctor after the door finally opened up.

"Mr. Ambrose, I must say you were careless. Why did you let her get so physically tired when she's pregnant"

Desmond's eyes widen in shock. She's pregnant? But he didn't know anything about it and Yolanda never told him about it.

"I have myself to be blamed, how's she and the baby doing" He took the blame.

"She's weak but will be fine after some few days of bed rest and the baby is doing well too. I want you to make sure she's properly taken care of "

" I will Doctor, can I see her now?" He became impatient.

"Sure" The Doctor replied before leaving for his office.

He opened the door to the ward gently, he went to sit beside her, examining her face. She looks pretty in the hospital dress,her face looks pale and her lips look dry as well. Her eyes were closed tightly and she has a drip attached to her hand.

The corner of his lips suddenly curved up in a smile. He's going to become a father! WOW!

Desmond held her hand and kissed it severally. He was to be blamed for her getting stress and he wouldn't have forgiven himself if anything would have happened to the baby in her tummy.


When Yolanda opened her eyes, she looked around the room in surprise. Where's this place? How did she get here?

She then saw Desmond sitting on the sofa In the room. He threw his head to the back, in a position that looks like he was taking a nap.

Yolanda was quite. She didn't want to say anything to disturb his sleep. She reached for the jug on the table besides her but it's suddenly fell to the floor and broke into pieces. The sudden smash made Desmond stood up quickly and ran to her bed.

" You okay? Do you want water? I will be right back" He quickly ran outside the room and came dashing back with a glass of water in his hand. He raised her head up slightly from the pillow and fed the water to her.

" Do you need anything else? You should he careful because of the baby" Desmond stared at her tummy intensely.

Oh, he already knew. She didn't want to tell him about it, she wanted it to be a surprise.

"Why did you not tell me about it Yoyo? Why did you want to keep me away from the child?" There was waves of emotions in his voice.

" I'm sorry Desmond, I found out not too long but when I had to leave, I couldn't tell you because I don't want to hold you down with the child that's why I decided to keep it to myself"

" And you think I will be happy right? Why would you do that, Yolanda? I told you I will always be here for us, I guess you don't have faith in me" Desmond said. He was hurt when he found out from the Doctor first instead of his wife.

" I'm sorry, I don't mean to" Tears drift down from the corner of her eyes.

" Let me take you home " He wiped the tears away from her face.

He went out to the doctor's office to complete the formalities.